Chapter Twenty-Two

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Jessica woke early. She didn't know how she would face Louis or how she would re-act to him. The threat he had made was something not to be taken lightly. She knew she had never been able to control her temper. Her father said it was a trait she had inherited from her mother; a trait which was more of a burden than anything else. It had very rarely benefited her in any way. It was her temper that had sent her to Van Diemen's Land. Her temper which had brought her to Louis and her temper which now caused her to be lying in her bed debating her future. Jessica knew eventually it would rise again and would be the probable reason for Louis to carry out his threat.

She had to be honest. She was afraid of Master Louis Copeland and she was sure it had something to do with his lack of violence. Jessica was accustomed to cruelty and was unsure of how to cope with his way of dealing with her blatant disregard for his authority. There was something in the essence of the man. At his touch her body had responded in pleasure. It baffled her and made her feel ashamed that she had no control over it. How could someone she despised make her feel such brain jumbling alien sensations? Jessica rolled on her side and hugged her pillow. She thought how well he had read her, showing he was no fool and making her realise this ability also added to the danger of the man.

The others were already in the kitchen when Jessica arrived. They looked at her as she entered. Each had concern on their faces. An uncomfortable silence developed. Jessica guessed Alice had told them something had happened between Louis and herself.

George was the first to speak. "Good morning, Jess how are ya love?" His normally cheerful voice was a little subdued with caution.

"Well, thank you, George."

Mary looked at her questioningly. "The Master's tea tray is ready."

Alice stood and wiped her hands on her apron. "I'll take it this morning, Mary."

Jessica put her hand out. "No. Thank you, but I must do it." If she didn't have to see Louis ever again, she would have allowed Alice to take the tray but she knew the longer she left facing him the harder it would be. Jessica wanted Louis to believe she did not fear him. To face him this morning would probably be what he least expected.

Alice moved closer and whispered, "Are you sure you feel up to it, I don't mind."

"I'm fine, really, but thank you." Jessica smiled warmly to convince Alice as much as herself.

"All right then, you'd best get on." Alice nodded proudly to show her support.

Jessica stood outside Louis's door. She took a deep breath, and then knocked gently, as she had been told to do. She opened the door and entered the room. Louis was already out of bed. He was pulling his shirt over his head when she entered. He stopped midway to see who had come through the door. The look of surprise on his face told Jessica he had not expected her. She drew strength from this and forced herself to slow her pace and try not to look nervous. Jessica placed the tray on the bedside table and moved as casually to the window as she could, to draw open the curtains. She reached up to take hold of them and was about to pull them apart when she felt his hand on hers. Jessica gasped. Her body tensed. Louis stood so close that she could feel his body's warmth.

Jessica looked at Hannah's stomach. She looked at him so he smiled.

"That will be all, Hannah." He dismissed her with a wave of his hand.

Jessica turned and looked out of the window. He came to stand behind her. So close that she could feel his body's warmth.

"Would it please you if I sent her away?"

Jessica touched her lips with her fingers. "No."

"Would it please you if I kept her in my bed?"

He unclasped her hand from the curtain and let it drop by her side. "I don't want the curtains drawn this morning, Jessica."

She felt his breath in her hair as he spoke. Jessica wanted to push him away. He was too close, but she didn't want to aggravate him either. She decided to just step away would be the best way to signal she understood and would obey. Before she could move his hand was on her throat. Again she tensed. Nerves made her swallow involuntarily. The touch of his hand on her neck sent goose bumps racing down her spine. "I understand, Master," she whispered.

"Good." Louis didn't remove his hand but instead moved his fingers gently, feeling the soft silkiness of her skin.

Jessica sensed he did this on purpose because he wanted her to fight against his touch. Even though she was uncomfortable, she controlled the urge to push his hand away. Jessica folded her arms across her body to protect herself.

Louis slowly moved his fingers from her throat to gently caress her cheek and the scar that marked her there. His fingers travelled to the bruises on her chin.

She flinched at his touch. The quiver in her stomach disconcerting; he took his hand away but remained close to her.

"Don't ever make me hurt you again," he said in husky tones. "You may leave me now."

Though he dismissed her he didn't step away, forcing Jessica to move around him. She walked with more pace. Her hatred for him grew with each encounter.

Copyright © 2019 Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

I really don't think Louis is improving the situation :(

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