Chapter Sixty-Four

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It was late afternoon when Louis woke Jessica. Tree shadows were stretched long and thin across the sand, reaching out to touch the water's edge. He had already dressed and packed one side of the saddlebag with everything except the blanket. He kissed her lightly on the lips. She stirred just a little, so he kissed her harder. Jessica's eyes shot open in confusion, not sure of where she was. Louis's deep blue eyes smiled down at her, searching her face, she blushed, remembering the intimacy they had shared.

His smile went to his mouth at seeing her embarrassment.

Louis touched her gently on the cheek. "We had better get back, it will be dark before too long." He looked up at the sky, stood up, held his hand out to Jessica and he pulled her to her feet. He folded the blanket and put it into the second side of the bag.

Louis raised his eyebrows and held out his hand. "Come!"


"Oh, Master! We have been worried. Is everything all right?" Alice rushed from the kitchen with baby Robert in her arms when she heard the sound of the horse's hooves on the cobblestones. Aiden was behind her and took the reins of Louis's horse. He waited until Louis had lifted Jessica from her saddle and took those too.

"Everything is fine, Alice. Time slipped by, is all." Louis smiled at her and rubbed the top of Robert's head.

He took Jessica by the hand and steered her in front of him through the door. "You had better wash and have something to eat," he said as he let go of her hand.

Jessica looked shyly at him and nodded, she wasn't sure if she was to call him Louis or Master after the events of the day. She decided to say nothing and went to her room to change.

On her return only Mary was left in the kitchen.

Mary said, "I have taken Master Louis a light meal to 'is room, he says he won't need ye tonight and to get a good night's sleep." She placed a bowl of stew and some bread on the table for Jessica. "You best eat before it gets cold."

Jessica nodded and sat without saying anything.

Mary gave her curious look. "Is ye all right, Jessica. Ye ain't said a word since ye come home?"

"I'm just tired, Mary." Jessica scooped up a spoonful of stew to try and ease Mary's worry. "It's been a while since I've ridden like I did today."

"Aye..." Mary smiled but felt sure there was something Jessica wasn't telling her. "And where did ye go?"

Jessica beamed at the memory as she looked up from her bowl. "To a place called, Fairy Dell. Have you been there?"

"No, but Alice tells me tis very nice." Mary sidled closer to the table, with the cloth in her hand, and gingerly sat down. "And ye had a nice time?"

"Yes," Jessica answered into her bowl.

Mary sat silent for a moment watching Jessica then ventured, "And the Master? He treated ye respectful like?"

Jessica gripped her spoon a little tighter and swallowed the lump in her throat before answering. She looked up at Mary and gave her a smile. "Yes, Mary. He was very respectful." What else could she say? He had treated her very caring and lovingly. If she told Mary what really happened would she consider he had been respectful to her even though she was willing.

Mary let out a sigh of relief and wiped the cloth over the table in front of her. "Well that's good. Me and Alice wasn't sure after yeste'day and with Master Daniel leavin' so soon."

Jessica smiled reassuringly. "He wanted to apologise for his behaviour yesterday, so he took me somewhere nice."

"Ah...good." Mary beamed, hearing this restored her faith in Louis. "Twas very unlike him yeste'day."

Copyright © 2019 Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

At least Mary seems happy ;)

From chapter 60 to here were originally one big chapter.  5483 words. Wow!!  I can't believe how long the chapters were when I first started writing.  At least I was keen :) ♥♥♥  

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