Chapter Ninety-Four

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The carriage pulled up in front of Louis's lodgings. Mr. Rowles stepped from it to meet Louis as he came down the stairs. He held his hand out. "Well, Master Copeland this is a fine day to make what I hope for you is a successful transaction."

Louis took William's hand and laughed. "My sentiments exactly. Please call me Louis, for I feel this is the beginning of a long working relationship."

"Louis it is, sir, and you must do me the same honour by calling me William."

Louis laughed once more. He was in high spirits and looking forward to seeing Jessica again. Once the papers were signed he intended calling into the gatehouse to see her and to present her with the deeds to Loxton Hall.


It was early morning when they left Belfast and just prior to lunchtime when they reached the township of Carlow. Then another thirty minutes before they were passing through the gates of Loxton Hall. Louis looked through the curtains of the carriage as they passed the gatehouse. He could see a woman hanging washing on the line.

"Is she still living there?" He looked at William for an answer to his question.

William shrugged and cocked his eyebrow. "I have received no word to differ."

Loxton Hall was a large three-storied Georgian style house. Louis was very impressed with its grandeur as he stepped from the carriage. The first level looked like a basement made of raw stone that had not been squared. The two stories above were made of large rectangle bricks that were whitewashed. Two separate staircases led from the drive to the portico where the roof was supported by two large columns.

An aging butler opened the carved timber double doors to Louis and William. He bowed his head at the two men. "Mr. Rowles, Lord Loxton awaits you in the library. If you would be so good as to follow me this way, please."

When they entered the entrance hall another younger servant took their coats. They were then led along the hall, past the dining room on the right and the drawing room on the left until they got to a cross section where another hallway met. It led from this main hall in opposite directions. The butler took them down the right deviate to a room at the very end. As they entered through the door a tall dark haired man stood up from the desk in the corner and came toward them.

"Mr. Rowles and company, My Lord," the butler announced as he bowed toward the man.

"Thank you, Carson that will be all." Adam held out his hand to William and Louis. "Mr. Rowles," he said shaking the older man's hand, and then he held his hand out to Louis. "You, sir must be the elusive buyer."

Louis tilted his head, but said nothing, as he took Adam by the hand and sized him up. This was the man who forced his Jessica to live as a convict. Should he hate him or thank him?

"Lord Loxton, this is Master Louis Copeland of Copeland Shipping," William said as the two men eyed each other.

Adam raised his eyebrows at the mention of Louis's name. "Well, sir, this is an honour. Copeland Ships have a name for being fast, safe and clean."

Louis bowed his head once more. "We try our best."

Adam laughed, a little nervous of this quiet man whose stature matched his own. "Please, gentlemen, sit. Lunch will be served soon, but we have time for a drink." Adam poured three glasses of brandy and handed one to each man. He sat down in one of the armchairs across from Louis and William. "So, Master Copeland would you like a tour of Loxton Hall before we sign the necessary papers."

"If you don't mind, Lord Loxton I would like to finalise this business." Louis rolled his glass between his hands as he studied the man some more. "I have other unfinished concerns elsewhere and am in a hurry to get to it." Louis looked over at William and added, "You have the contract, William?"

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