Chapter Seventy-One

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Louis's breathing was shallow and laboured. Jessica sat constantly by his side watching his chest rise and fall. At intervals his torso stopped moving and a harsh rasp passed through his lips. Each time it happened she panicked. What would she do if it moved no more? What would she do if the life inside of him left the walls of his body?

The thought was so painful that it hurt her to think about it.

Jessica gripped The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. She ran her hand over the leather cover, smooth from years of use. A book lived forever in the minds of those who read it. The words within would never die. They would pass from generation to generation. Jessica held it to her face. She could smell its life, its certainty and she wept. "Please, Louis," she whispered. "Please don't die."

Every time she felt herself slipping off to sleep she would read a passage to Louis, hoping he might hear her.

There came a point when Jessica knew she couldn't keep her eyes opened any longer. She folded her arms, leaned forward, placed them on the edge of the bed, and then rested her head upon them. "Just for a moment," she said out loud. The instant her head touched her hands her eyes closed and she fell into a deep sleep.

Louis woke at sunrise to find her like this. At first he didn't know where he was. As he moved a sharp pain shot through his body. Memories flooded back to him. All strength seemed to be drained from his body. It took all his effort to lift his hand to touch Jessica's hair.

At the feel of the hand on her head Jessica sat bolt upright, ashamed she had not been able to stay awake.

Louis groaned as the force of his hand being flung from her head shot through him.

"Oh, Louis! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep." She leaned over him and touched his forehead.

Louis smiled weakly up at her. She had used his name. "I...need...water..." he whispered.

She instantly filled the glass, and then lifted his head so he could drink.

Louis drank slowly, looking at her the whole time. When he had finished he closed his eyes, and then fought to open them.

"How do you feel? Can I get you anything else?" Jessica watched his lips move but could not hear what he said so she leaned her face closer to his. "What did you say, Louis? I couldn't hear you."

"" he whispered.

A smile spread over Jessica's face. She couldn't believe what he'd just said. He was battered and beaten looking at her with black eyes and a swollen face. His lips looked painfully split but his blue eyes shone, and he wanted her to kiss him. She placed her own swollen lips on his. Just a light touch that she hoped he would know was full of the love and passion that was in her heart. When she pulled away Louis's eyes were closed, but his mouth was set in relaxed satisfaction.


For many days he drifted between unconsciousness and consciousness. Jessica left the room only to bathe and toilet. She slept beside him on his bed and cradled him to her. She realised she loved Louis more than she thought was ever possible and knew now she would never turn him away from her again.

On the fifth day Louis woke mid-morning feeling much stronger. He looked at where Jessica usually sat, to discover she wasn't there. The room was empty. Louis pulled himself gingerly up into sitting position by holding onto the bed head. When he felt comfortable enough he swung his legs over the side of the bed, and then sat breathing hard from the effort it had taken him. He eased himself along to the end of the bed and holding onto it managed to stand on shaky legs.

"Louis!" Jessica dropped the tray she was holding. Soup, bread and tea went everywhere. "What are you doing?" She rushed from the doorway, grabbed him around the waist and slung his arm over her shoulder. She steered him back to the bed. "You silly man. Doctor Wells says you're not to come off this bed for two weeks."

Louis chuckled and flopped back on the bed, pulling Jessica with him. He groaned loudly as she landed on him.

Jessica laying half on him and with her arm caught behind his back. Panicked, she pulled her arm out and scrambled alongside him on the bed. "Are you hurt?"

Louis groaned again.

"Where? Where are you hurt?" she cried, scanning his bandages to see if there was any blood.

When Louis groaned again she looked at his face and caught the smile on his lips. Jessica stood up, indignant, and put her hands on her hips. "Louis Copeland you ungrateful sod. I should kick you. What game do you think you're playing?"

"I'm sorry." He beamed at her. "But it pleases me no end, when you say my name, even when you're vexed." She folded her arms and glared down at him but Louis could see she was trying to hide a grin. He chuckled and raised his hand. "Help me back onto my pillow."

Jessica huffed and reached down to take hold of his hands. Instead of her pulling him to sitting position, he pulled her back down on the bed with him. "Louis you'll bust your wound open," she protested.

He grinned at her again, and then gently touched one of her fading bruises. Louis's smile disappeared. "I'll kill him for doing this to you."

"No you won't," Jessica whispered. She peered into his eyes and stroked his cheek. "That would make you as bad as he. There are other, less violent ways, to give a man his dues."

Louis put his hand behind her head and drew her face toward his. "How did you grow to be so wise and level headed?"

Jessica tittered. "Well! Having a patient like you to look after has taught me a lot."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Louis chuckled, but before she could answer, he pulled her to him and kissed her.

At the sound of someone clearing their throat Louis released her.

Jessica quickly jumped up from the bed as Louis raised his head to see Doctor Wells standing just inside the door.

"Well Louis! Looks like you're on your way to a full recovery." Jack laughed.

Jessica's face turned scarlet. She felt her skin burn under the look of the two men, so she turned and plumped up the pillows.

"What patient wouldn't recover quickly, with such a beautiful nurse looking after them?" Louis beamed at Jack.

"I agree, Louis." Jack smirked as he shook his head. "Jessica, help me get him back on this bed properly." As they moved Louis to lie comfortably on the bed Jack said, "You'll be pleased to know that the magistrate has arrested Pead for attempted murder. No one in town would back his claim of self-defence. He's been taken to Port Arthur."

"Good," Louis said and grinned over at Jessica. "At least I don't have to kill him now."

Copyright © 2019 Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

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