Chapter Seventy-Eight

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Kathleen watched Louis pace backwards and forwards in front of the windows of the library. She put down her needlework and gushed, "Why don't you knock on her door? I'm sure she won't mind being woken up now." It was mid-morning and Jessica had not joined them for breakfast.

"Yes, I think I will. She must still be feeling poorly. I hope it's nothing serious." Louis made his way down the hall towards Jessica's room. When there was no answer to his knock, he knocked louder and called her name, "Jessica!" After the third time Louis knew something was wrong. "Edward!" he called as he strode back into the library. "She's not answering. There must be something wrong. I'm going to force the lock."

Edward shot to his feet. "I'll help you."

Before they had a chance to leave the room Kathleen said, "Try the window first. If she's not well she may have left it opened for some fresh air."

Louis ran down the hall toward the front door. Edward was not far behind him. When he discovered the window wasn't locked he removed his jacket, handed it to Edward and climbed inside. Louis's heart slammed in his chest, the room was empty so he looked frantically around and saw a letter on the pillow.

My Dearest Louis,

Please forgive me for leaving this way, but as I see it there was no other choice. Tonight, I overheard Mrs. Templeton tell you she was carrying your child. If I remain, I fear I will only come between you and the child. I cannot do this. A child needs its father.

Louis I love you with all my heart and could not watch you marry Rachel. Nor could I live as your mistress. You must do the right thing and give your child a name.

I say good-bye, my darling, and thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done for me.

I shall return to Ireland to confront my cousin and reclaim my heritage.

I will never forget you, Louis.

All My Love,


Louis couldn't breathe. He pressed his hand to his chest, crouched beside the bed and dragged in searing lungfuls of air. He had been going to speak to Jessica about this very thing. He was sure Rachel was lying but of course he had no way of proving this. He was never going marry her. Yes, he would look after the child, make allowances for it, and provide Rachel with the support she would need. But marry her? Never!

He flung opened the bedroom door to find Kathleen standing in the hall. "Is everything all right, Louis?"

He handed her the letter saying, "I must saddle my horse and look for her. She has no money, so I don't imagine she has gone far."

"I'll help you look," Edward said. "Between the two of us we should find her easily enough."

They searched all day, each going their different ways, asking people if they had seen a beautiful blonde woman carrying a leather bag. Louis assumed Jessica would be wearing one of the brown travel dresses he had bought her in Launceston. He hadn't wanted to buy brown, it was too drab, but Jessica had insisted it was the best colour to journey in.

Night had fallen by the time he returned to Edward and Kathleen's house. He hoped he would walk in to find Jessica seated in the library, chatting pleasantly to Kathleen. Instead, he found two sombre faces looking at him. "I've had no luck, Edward," Louis said slumping in a chair. "I presume, by the look on your face, you have had the same." He paused and tried to remain positive by saying, "No matter, we're sure to find her tomorrow."

Edward sighed and leaned forward on his chair. "No, I didn't find her." He paused wondering how to tell his friend what he knew. "Louis. I did find out where she is, however." Edward stood and poured Louis a drink. As he handed it to him he said, "She's on The Isabella. It sailed at dawn this morning, bound for England."

Louis gripped his glass and hung his head. When he looked up at his friend, anguish filled his face. In almost a whisper he asked, "How do you know this? How did she buy a passage? She has no money?"

"Dickson, the ale house keeper down on the dock, told me one of the sailors from The Isabella came to collect one last barrel of rum for the ships journey. The sailor, who he called Belch, told him a story of a lady who had called him sir. Apparently he thought it was funny being called sir. He told Dickson her name was Miss Loxton. She bought her passage with an earring." Edward gripped Louis's shoulder. "I'm sorry, Louis. I know how much she means to you."

Louis threw his head back and downed his drink. He placed the glass on the table and rubbed his face with his hands. Taking a deep breath he swept his hands over his hair and stood. "Well, it is done." With determination he said, "I know where she's going so I intend to go after her." He took another breath as a shiver of guilt rippled through his body. "If only I had never been intimate with Rachel Templeton none of this would have happened. I pray that God has mercy and keeps her safe." Louis paced the floor, and then turned to his friends saying, "Guilt is eating me alive. Jessica was sent to the colonies because of a man and now it is I who has caused her to cross the ocean once more. If anything happens to her I will never be able to forgive myself."

"So it is done, Millie, and may God have mercy on us." Adam threw his hat on the bed, took a bottle and glass with him and sat down heavily in the armchair, and then poured himself a drink.

"It is for the best, my love," Millie cooed. She knelt in front of him, touched his thigh, and then unbuttoned her blouse. "Things will be better for us now. Let me show you."

"How?" Adam threw back his head and downed his drink. "Guilt is eating me alive." He took a deep breath and stared at her as he swept his hands over his head and added, "My only hope is that she arrives safely."

Adam stood causing Millie to tumble to the floor. He stepped over her and sneered as he hissed, "Because of you, if anything happens to her I will never be able to forgive myself."

Copyright© 2019 Donna Fieldhouse. All rightsreserved.

As you can see I've worked hard this week trying to get this story up. Sorry for the overload of chapters but I really need to get this finished. Hahaha

What do you think of the Adam/Millie situation?

Do you think he'd have done what he did to Jessica without Millie's prompting. 

Perhaps he has a heart after all.  :(

Thanks so much for reading and supporting me. xoxo

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