Chapter Seventy-Six

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The room sparkled with the multitude of candles that lit its vastness. Jessica held onto Louis's arm in awe of all the splendour. It had been a long time since she had attended a ball of this grandeur. The musical ensemble, positioned against a backdrop of high glass windows, which reached from floor to almost ceiling height, played lyrical tunes and soft melodies, while guests mingled before the first set of dances commenced.

Numerous high profile people greeted them. Jessica had no chance of remembering their names. Louis, she thought, had some very influential friends. The women's dresses were magnificent. Jessica looked down at the beautiful blue dress Louis had bought her and thought, yes, it was perfect. There were so many different colours but she hadn't seen another the same shade as hers. She was sure no two dresses were alike.

As she searched the room her eyes came to rest on a woman who was walking toward them. She was on the arm of a very distinguished looking gentleman. Jessica gasped. Rachel Templeton. A woman she would never forget.

"Louis," she whispered, but he did not hear her. Jessica tugged gently on the sleeve of his jacket and said a little louder, "Louis."

Before he could respond Rachel stood in front of them with a smirk on her face. "Well, Louis, I must say, you are the last person I expected to see here tonight." She turned up her lip and looked Jessica up and down. "I see you have brought your little convict wench with you. Such pleasure she must give you."

Memories of another such woman flashed through Jessica's mind.

"She does not deserve to come and you waste too much time on her. For what? Just so she may continue to taunt you. You are a fool, Adam!"

Jessica looked around the room. Its beauty was lost to her. Lost in the empty space created by the hateful words Millie had uttered.

Jessica pushed her thoughts aside. Louis's forearm tensed so she sensed he was not pleased by Rachel's words. Instead of looking at this hateful woman Jessica focused on the crowd, the candles, and the beauty that surrounded her.

Responding to Jessica's grip on his arm Louis turned to her, ignoring Rachel and said, "What were you saying, my love?"

"Master Copeland." Rachel's companion sensed the tension and offered his hand to Louis. "I am Sir Richard Standing. May I say what a pleasure it is to meet you? Without your ships, sir our humble community would be far worse off than it already is."

Louis took the man's hand and gave a curt nod. "I dare say, Sir Richard, that another shipping company would quickly fill our place and the needs of Van Diemen's Land, if Copeland Shipping were to cease trading."

"Yes I'm sure you are correct," Sir Richard said with a chuckle. "Though I must say the profits you make would surely be more than enough to dismiss any such ideas."

"More than enough," Louis said with a smile as he bowed his head. "If you will excuse us, I wish to dance with this beautiful woman who is soon to become my wife." He turned to Rachel and again tipped his head. "Mrs. Templeton," he said, turned his back on her and led Jessica onto the dance floor where couples had gathered waiting for the music to begin.

Adam sneered at Millie. "Her rejection of me pleases me much more than your mouth."

"Why are you smiling the way you are?" Jessica couldn't help but grin.

"Because I'm with you." Louis stroked her chin, and then kissed her lightly on the lips.

"It is not that sort of smile, Master Copeland." Jessica laughed and added, "But more like you have just cheated someone and gotten away with it."

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