Chapter Thirty-Two

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Thanks for still being here.  Remember the italics are past memories.

Alice's face was red from the effort she used trying to give birth to her child. With every contraction she felt tightness consume her whole body. It began in the lower depths of her stomach and grew until the pressure was felt at the top of her head. When it reached its climax it would recede into nothingness only to fill her once more.

Sweat trickled down her forehead. It was only when Jessica bathed her face with a wet cloth did she realise she was there.

"Jessica, you're back," Alice said a little breathless. She smiled then added, "Aiden's here too, he's outside."

Jessica nodded and smiled as she wiped Alice's forehead.

Alice's face contorted as another contraction surged through her. "Mary," she moaned. "I don't think I can do this anymore, I want to stop."

Mary patted Alice's shin. "Ye keeping pushing, Alice it ain't too much longer, I can see the little un's head."

Alice's body writhed as another contraction possessed her. "Mary I need to wee and do the other too." She tried to get up from the bed. Pain grabbed her, forcing her to lie back down.

"What will become of Hannah and her son?"

He looked up from where he was working at his desk. "I have made arrangements for them. It is none of your concern."

"But you must take care of them," Jessica pleaded.

He came to her and took her by the chin. "Of course I shall take care of them, but they cannot stay here."

"Why not?"

He placed his lips against hers then pulled away when she did not respond. He glared at her then shoved her face away. "I intend to settle her and the child in the gatehouse. Perhaps I shall find myself a new toy to play with."

"Alice don't worry, just do it if ye wants to. When ye next pain comes I wants ye to push with all ye might." Mary patted Alice's shin once more. "I know ye can do this. It's almost over."

Alice offered Mary a weak smile and let her head drop back onto the pillow.

The pain came, more intense this time. Alice pushed with all her strength, a hot burning agony ripped through her. She let out a scream.

Aiden rushed through the door, slamming it against the wall. He saw his child's head slide into the world. He stopped dead, not knowing what to do.

Mary waved to him to come closer. "Jessica, the clean blanket, quick! All right, Alice it'll be one more push and ye babe will be born," she urged.

Alice sucked in her bottom lip as the last surge of pain swept through her. She pushed and at once felt sudden relief. When she heard her baby cry she cried too.

Aiden was beside her holding her hand and kissing her face. "I love you," he whispered.

Alice cradled him to her.

"Well looky here, Jess. They don't even want to know if they's got a boy or a girl," Mary chuckled with tears in her eyes.

Aiden and Alice laughed and cried at the same time. Aiden took the child in his arms and opened the blanket. "It's a boy Alice, a boy!"

The campfire blazed and danced out of the darkness. The notes of a soft melody floated across the night air. Aiden tumbled and rolled in the long grass with his friends, behind the circle of people surrounding the fire. The melody quickened, hands began to clap. Aiden stopped his boyish game and stared in wonderment at the woman who was dancing in the fires warm glow. Her long dark hair flowed down her back and fanned out as she threw her head back and twisted and turned in time with the music's rhythm. She lifted her full skirt to reveal brown slender legs. Her peasant shirt had slipped from her shoulders and her hands with their long delicate fingers rang with the bells she held.

She was beautiful.

A man joined her, stocky and muscular, he lifted her with ease and spun her around, she laughed with delight. The crowd laughed with her.

Aiden continued to watch as his parents danced in the fire's light. People from the circle joined them as the music's beat became louder and faster.

"Alice ye have one more push to go, before ye jobs totally finished," Mary said. She wiped her brow with the back of her hand. "There'll be another pain so push when it comes." As she spoke Alice's face twisted in a grimace. "Yes. That's it, good girl." Mary let the placenta slip into the bucket she held ready for it.

Aiden handed his son to Alice. "Let me take it, Mary. The tradition of my people is to bury the child's life sack and plant a tree on top of it. It is said when the child is grown they will always return to their place of birth if this is done." Mary smiled at the honey-skinned man with his dark eyes. He very rarely spoke of his background.

The Gypsies celebrated their day's success. They would move on tomorrow. Most people said they were a band of thieves and whores. This wasn't totally true. Yes, it was true some of the women did sell their favours to the local men. But in the gypsy's eyes this was still honest work. Some told fortunes and if a little dishonest work came their way it was unlikely they would say no, if the money was good. Overall they were honest fun loving people who sold their labour to any who would pay. They travelled in their caravans from place to place in search of work.

Aiden enjoyed a childhood of adventure and discovery. As a man he was quiet and shy, he worked hard and was often rewarded with something extra at each job's end. Aiden was bright and absorbed what he was taught. He became very apt at the many different jobs he acquired. He could do anything from shearing a sheep to building a house.

Aiden bent to kiss his child and the woman he loved. "I shall be back soon."

Alice smiled up at him, her eyes glistening from the tears of happiness. "We'll be cleaned up by then and look much more respectable."

He laughed. "No matter how you look, Alice, it'll be good enough for me."

Copyright © 2019 Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

Thank you all for reading. I'm so sorry it takes me a while to update this book but I'm working on another at the moment which is taking up all my time. :)

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