Chapter Twenty-Three

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Jessica hurried across the hall to light the dining room fire. He had delayed her and as he was already dressed would probably want to eat earlier. In her haste to get the fire lit she fumbled and made clumsy mistakes. Agitation was engulfing her. Jessica forced herself to calm and eventually got the fire blazing. Once this was done she immediately shot across the hall to retrieve the tea tray. Stopping outside the door she took in a deep breath and wiped her hand across her brow leaving an ashen streak upon it. Jessica sucked in her breath once more and again lightly knocked; opening the door to find the room was empty. A sigh of relief slipped through her lips. Jessica quickly grabbed the tea tray. The cup was clean and the pot still full. He had not touched it. She hesitated wondering whether she should leave it, perhaps he would be back. She felt the side of the pot, it had gone cold. He wouldn't want it anyway so she took the tray with her and headed back to the kitchen. Jessica released the door handle with one hand while balancing the tray in the other, then returning her free hand back to support the tray she pushed open the door with her shoulder.

Louis was there with one foot on a chair, resting his elbow on his knee, holding a mug of tea in his hand, talking to Aiden. Jessica stumbled, the tea tray crashed to the floor. The contents of pot and sugar bowl spilling everywhere.

Her agitation was apparent to all in the room. She hurriedly started to pick up the broken pieces of china. Jessica felt his eyes watching her. This made her clumsier in her task to clean up the mess. Alice was beside her with a bucket and cloth. She said nothing but busily helped clean up the mess. Once this was done Jessica moved to leave the room, her intention to return to the bedroom to make the bed. Louis's voice broke the silence.

"I'd like more tea in my mug, Jessica," he said with a smirk on his face.

Jessica held her breath and looked toward him. The teapot was but one foot in front of him on the table. She could not believe he had asked this of her. When she saw his smile, control was no longer within her grasp. She opened the door, stepped through it and slammed it shut behind her. Jessica stormed down the hall toward his bedroom.

Louis placed the mug on the table with deliberate control. The others sensed his tension. When he moved, he moved with graceful determination and passed through the door. He found her in his chambers making his bed. She had her back to him and had not heard him enter the room. It was only when he closed the door with some force, did she realise he was there. The sound of the key turning in the lock made her look down to where his hand was resting upon it. Panic struck her like a thunder bolt. How stupid was she to have come back to his room, knowing full well he would never have overlooked her insolence. She had nowhere to go. Jessica searched her immediate vicinity. There was only the lamp on the bedside table within her reach.

"Why are you doing this? What pleasure do you get from this torment?"

"Because I can," he laughed then continued. "The torment that was once mine is now yours."

He watched her eyes. "I like you to be unsure of me; unsure of your place."

Louis followed her eyes as she scanned the room and came to rest on the lamp. He had no plan of how he would deal with her and wished he hadn't come after her. He knew he was being irrational and couldn't understand this desire to control her every move. He would now have to follow through with the threat of the night before. If not all the way, enough to make her think he didn't make threats lightly. He decided to say nothing, but instead slowly took off his coat and hung it on the end of the bed. He kept his eyes focused on her, showing no emotion. She was trembling; her eyes were full of fear. Louis removed his shirt with the same certain movements, watching as her eyes once again wildly searched the room. She reminded him of a small rabbit, trapped by fear looking for a way of escape. Louis slid the shirt over his head and hung it also over the bed end as he watched tears silently stream down her face.

"Why are you doing this?" she whispered.

Louis didn't answer but took one step toward her. Jessica took one step back, bumping into the bedside table, knocking the lamp to the floor. It lay there shattered and broken. It had been her only chance of protecting herself and now she was totally helpless. She looked toward him again, barely able to see him through the tears in her eyes. Jessica asked the question once more, louder this time desperation in her voice. "Why are you doing this?" She continued, words streaming uncontrollably from her. "All morning I have tried to serve you as Alice has taught me and with everything you have done the opposite. I bring you tea and you do not touch it. I attempt to draw the curtains and you stop me. I light the dining room fire in readiness for your breakfast but instead you go to the kitchen. You want to belittle and shame me." Jessica sobbed. She covered her eyes with her hands, trying to wipe away the tears. When she looked at him again, she realised he had not moved any closer and saw sorrow in his eyes. "Why are you doing this?" she urged.

"Because I can," he said. The coldness in his voice contradicted the sorrow in his eyes. Louis moved to the closet, took another shirt from its hanger and slipped it over his head. He grabbed the coat from the end of the bed and unlocked the door. He glanced back at her as he stepped through it.

Copyright © 2019 Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

Oh Louis...what are you doing?  :(

Have a great weekend everyone.  

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