Chapter Fifty-Five

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One month later Louis's brother Daniel sailed from Williamstown, Melbourne's first port, to Georgetown and travelled to Ashton House by carriage. Daniel managed the Melbourne base of Copeland Shipping as did Louis manage the Van Diemen's Land branch.

He shook Louis's hand with vigour, a dimpled grin on his face, and then threw his arms around his brother in a warm embrace. "God, Louis It's so good to see you!"

"You haven't changed one-bit, little brother." Louis laughed and stepped back to look at Daniel, and then added, "Except perhaps a few extra pounds around the middle." Louis patted his stomach and beamed.

Daniel held his fists up in front of him. "Watch what you say, brother. I've still got speed." Both men laughed, knowing it was Daniel who had always been the slower of the two.

They were still laughing when Jessica knocked on the drawing room door.

"Yes, Jessica?" Louis grinned widely still reflecting on what Daniel had said.

"The guest's room has been prepared, Sir. I have placed a jug of warm water on the wash stand."

"Thank you." Louis nodded and then lifted the brandy bottle to pour two glasses.

Jessica turned to leave when Daniel said, "Louis where are your manners? I would like to be introduced to this fair damsel." Daniel came towards her and swept into a bow.

Taken aback Jessica blushed. She looked at Louis who was still smiling.

Louis held a glass of brandy toward his brother and said, "Jessica this is my brother Daniel."

"I am pleased to meet you, Sir." Jessica curtsied and lowered her head. Brother? In her mind they were nothing alike. Louis had light golden-brown hair, with tan skin and intense blue eyes. He was tall where Daniel was half a head shorter with auburn hair, fair skin covered in freckles and brown eyes, which twinkled with mischief.

"Daniel this is Jessica. She will answer to most of your needs while you are here."

Daniel took Jessica's hand and placed a kiss on the back of it. She blushed and smiled uncomfortably, and then glanced at Louis. This behaviour would be acceptable if she were a lady. But she wasn't. At least not in the eyes of these men. She was a convict.

"That will be all, Jessica," Louis dismissed her.

When she left the room Louis handed Daniel his drink.

"She's very attractive, Louis."

"Yes, and note little brother, I said she is at your disposal for most of your needs, not all of your needs."

Daniel swept his hand to his chest and mockingly gasped. "Louis I am most offended by your implication." Then he burst into laughter.

Louis smirked and lifted his glass to his mouth. A twinge of jealousy stung him at the look on Jessica's blushing face as his brother had kissed her hand. "Just remember it is all I ask."

They sat at the dining room table reminiscing over past times.

"Daniel, do you remember the boxer we would go and watch fight in the warehouse in London."

Daniel nodded and laughed. "You mean the one I lost a week's wages to you. What was he called?"

"Yes, that's the one," Louis laughed. "The Reaper."

"Ah...that's right." Daniel nodded. "He wasn't very big, was he?"

"No, he wasn't." Louis paused. "He was assigned to me, until six weeks ago."

"He's a convict?" Daniel jerked to sit straighter in his seat and looked at Louis in question.

"Yes. He was." Louis cut through a potato and looked up at Daniel. "He has received a conditional pardon and is living in Launceston with his wife and child." Louis stuck his fork into his food and continued, "I would have liked to offer him a position here, just as he was, the gardener, but there is no suitable accommodation here for a family. I was thinking of riding into Launceston tomorrow. I have some things to settle there. Would you like to come with me and meet George?" Louis lifted the fork loaded with potato and said, "Though he's not the same man as he was when he fought. His life as a convict hasn't been good to him."

"I'd love to meet him. Did he know you?"

"No." Louis shook his head and laid the uneaten forkful of food on his plate. "It was a good nine years ago, Daniel. I don't think we ever met him and if we did, we were much younger and have probably changed a lot."

"Not so handsome then, eh?" Daniel Chuckled and nudged his head at Louis. "And your clothes are much finer now."

"I'm not sure if finer is the right word, Daniel. Definitely different to the ones we wore when working on the docks."

Daniel shook George's hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"And you, Sir." George turned toward Gabrielle. "This is my wife Gabrielle and my son George."

Daniel bowed, and then took young George by the hand. "Master Louis has told me all about you. Do you wish to box like your father?"

"Mother will not allow me, Sir," Young George said as he shook his head. "She says I am too good at my sums to be getting my head pounded in for money. Better to work with my brains, she says, Sir."

Daniel laughed. "I think perhaps your mother is right. As was our mother."

George frowned and looked at Daniel. "You and Master Louis boxed, Sir?"

"Yes, but not as well as you, George. That's why we went to the warehouse and watched the bouts. To pick up some tips, so to speak. Though it did us no good. Father and Mother also had other plans for us." Daniel paused. "And what are you working at now, George?"

"I am at the stores, loading and unloading the wagons, it's not much, but it pays."

Their conversation continued until Louis returned from his errands and Gabrielle made them tea. They talked more of other times and other places, until it was time to leave.

"It was good to see you, Sir." George said as he shook Louis's hand. "Please give our best to everyone at Ashton House. We shall try to visit soon."

Louis gripped George's hand, put his other on the man's shoulder and peered at him. "Is all going well for you at the stores, George?"

"Yes, Sir." George moved his head slowly up and down. "But I do miss Ashton House."

Copyright © 2019 Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

What do you think of Louis' brother?

Do you think George and his family will ever live at Ashton House again?

Thanks for being so patient with me.  So sorry for the slow updates. ♥♥♥  

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