Chapter Fifteen

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Alice bustled around the kitchen packing a food hamper for Aiden and George. She looked across at Jessica. "Your main duties are making sure the Master is looked after. You serve him his meals, make his bed, fill his bath, look after his room and lay out his clothes. When time permits you dust, polish, clean the ash from the fireplaces, then sweep and mop the floors. Mary looks after the kitchen, so that area's none of your concern. I'll go through my way of doing things with you. It seems to work but I guess you'll work out your own when you get used to things." She shoved two apples into the basket and said, "The Master has gone to Hobart Town for a while, which is a blessing. It'll give us time to sort you out." She wiped her hands on her apron. "Now then, hurry and finish eating so we can get on. I'll be waiting in the dining room for you."

The porridge was hot, creamy and sweet to taste. As Jessica ate she wondered how many bowls she'd eat before this man returned to beat her. For two years her life had been a living hell because of men like this one. She took another spoonful. It caught in her throat. Jessica pushed the bowl away.

"I want it gone before I get back. I shall be away for two weeks. That's time enough!"

"No! Please! Please let me keep him. I love Wilbur." Jessica cradled the dog in her arms and clutched him close to her.

The man who stood over her laughed. "Love him? Ha! If you love it, then it shall not be here when I return. For if it is, consider it dead!" He lashed out catching her on the cheek.

"Are ye finished there, girl?" Mary spoke sharply, startling Jessica.

"Yes, thank you."

"Well. Be off with ya, then. Alice'll be waiten for yer in the dining room." Mary waved her away then gathered up the dirty dishes.

Jessica stood and looked at the door and then back at Mary. "I don't know where the dining room is."

Mary burst into laughter. The dishes clattered back onto the table. "Oh my."

A well of anger balled in Jessica's chest. How dare this woman make her feel like a fool?

"Oh my, oh dear, I'm sorry!" Mary wiped her eyes with her apron. "Of course ye don't know where the dining room is." She held her stomach as she spoke. "I 'aven't had a good laugh in donkey's years and such a silly thing to laugh about it tis." Mary pointed to the door. "Head to the stairs where you goes to bed but keeps going. Second door on the right. Ye'll find it there."

The hall was wide. A strip of carpet lay along it and stopped just inside two large heavy timber front doors. These were inset with bevelled opaque glass, giving any person outside a shadowed glimpse of the interior.

Jessica looked up the stairs leading to the place she must now consider her room. There were four doors along this hall, two each on either side. She followed Mary's instructions to the second door on the right and found Alice bending over the fireplace cleaning out the ash.

"Oh, good! You've come. I've just about finished here. You go to the Master's chambers and start cleaning the fireplace. I'll be in shortly." Alice paused. "You have cleaned a fireplace before, haven't you?"

Jessica sighed and shook her head. Go here, go there. She didn't have a clue where the Master's chamber was.

"Well, what exactly did you do?" Alice struggled to her feet. If the girl didn't start talking soon she'd be no use to anyone.

"I..I..." Jessica's mind scrambled for an answer. She blurted the first thing that came to mind. "I was a governess."

"So you can read and write then?" Alice put her hand on her hips and cocked her head with interest.

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