Chapter Fifty-Two

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Louis left the next day to travel to Hobart. Jessica had worked through the night to have the books ready for him to take. As he drove away she realised she was going to miss him. Perhaps if he had not held her like he had and shown how grieved he was, she would feel differently today. Jessica didn't know, but wished he had taken her with him.

Jessica sat holding baby Robert and watched Alice knead dough. She had questions she needed answers for so with determination she decided today was the day. "Alice," she began.

"Yes, Jessica." Alice looked up from the dough she was kneading.

"Can I ask you something personal?"

"Personal?" Alice frowned. "Mm...about what?"


Alice laughed, but stopped when she saw Jessica's embarrassment. "I'm sorry, Jessica, but that is a very complex subject."  She beamed and added, "Please ask. I'll be as honest as I can."

"Are they always so moody?"

"Ah...tricky question." Alice twisted her mouth with uncertainty. "Men are a little like children, I think. They seem to be very happy when things are going their way, but...when they can't have what they want, they tend to get moody." She paused. "I guess we are all a little like that." She grinned and pushed down on her dough. "I think women are more forgiving."

"I think so too." Jessica nodded in agreement and then asked, "What makes a man happy?"

"I don't think anyone can be happy all of the time," Alice mused. "But if a man has a woman, who wants and loves him very much, he will be happy most of the time." She laughed and looked across at Jessica. "At least that is my answer to it. I know when Aiden has worked hard he loves nothing better than to come home to a good meal and me."

Jessica gave this some thought and gave Alice a curious look. "What makes you happy, Alice?"

"Oh my," Alice tittered. "Aiden of course. I have to tell you, Jessica that a woman's greatest power is herself. Men will do just about anything for a woman who gives herself totally to him."

"I don't understand what you mean, Alice. Why should it always be the woman who has to sacrifice herself totally to a man?" Jessica felt more confused and frustrated than ever.

"Well it's not exactly sacrificing your whole self, it's more..." Alice paused. "It's giving the impression that you are. They will be totally smitten." She laughed. "Especially after a tender moment, like just after you've made love to him, he's sure to say yes to anything you ask."

Jessica crinkled her brow even more.

At the look on her face, Alice continued. "I know it sounds a bit deceitful but it really works. Softens him so to speak." Alice cocked her head to one side. "Men are a bit weak that way. You see, what we have here." Alice tapped the front of her skirt. "They want it a lot of the time and when they have it they are usually most agreeable. If they don't have it, well...! Master Louis is the perfect example." She grinned and raised her eyebrows as she added, "Moody."

"Oh..." Jessica fiddled with her hands and sat quietly in thought then said, "What is it like, Alice?"

Alice had gone back to kneading her dough, but stopped suddenly and looked up at Jessica. "What is what like?"

Jessica blushed as she whispered, "Being with a man." She twisted her mouth uncertain she should continue. She shrugged and added, "In that way."

Alice's mouth dropped open. "So you really have never been with a man?"

Jessica shook her head.

"Mary and I weren't certain, but that explains everything now."

"Explains what, Alice?"

"Well your innocence I guess." Alice shrugged and went back to kneading her dough.

Jessica sat silent for a while. "So what is it like?"

Alice's face softened. She wiped her hands on her apron and sat across the table from Jessica. "I can only speak for myself, but when you really love the man and he loves you, it is one of the most wonderful things that can ever happen between you both."

Copyright © 2019 Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

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