Chapter Forty-Two

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Robert giggled and kicked his legs, as Jessica played peek-a-boo. He flipped onto his stomach, lifted his head, and looked around. When he heard her voice he craned his head backwards trying to see her. She laughed. "You silly boy, now you can't see me at all." She flipped him over on his back once again and tickled his tummy. Robert squealed with delight. The leaves of the big oak tree danced in the wind and sprinkled starlets of sunshine over the little boy's face. His tiny hands tried in vain to catch one. "Oh, Alice he is adorable and so happy!"

Alice beamed at her son. "Yes I'm so lucky." She sighed and looked at Jessica. "So, you're going into Launceston next week?"

"Yes." Jessica looked up from the baby and at Alice with a big smile on her face. "I'm looking forward to it very much."

"Well..." Alice hesitated. "I'm wondering if you might write a letter for me and post it."

"Oh!" Jessica jerked her head back in surprise. "I would have to ask Master Louis if he approves. If he says yes, then I would." She thought some more. "Who would the letter be to?"

"My mam." Alice gave her a forlorn grin. She took her gaze from Jessica and focused on Robert. Then she looked back at Jessica as she said, "I would dearly love to tell her about Robert and Aiden and how happy I am."

Jessica got to her feet and clasped Alice's hand. "I will ask the Master. I'm sure he must say yes."

"You will need paper?" Louis peered at Jessica as she stood in front of him, her hands held behind her back, uncertainty in her eyes.

"Yes, Master. I will be very careful and use only one sheet." She looked nervously at him, hoping he would say yes.

"And you'll do it in your own time?"

"Yes, Master Louis." Jessica eased in a breath and let it out slowly. She hoped he didn't think she was asking too much, after all he was going to buy her a new coat. But this was for Alice, she justified in her mind. Alice who had served him well for a very long time. Surely he couldn't say no.

"I will allow it."

"Thank you, Master." Jessica gave him a shy smile and a quick curtsy before rushing from the room to tell Alice the good news.

The candle flickered across the sheet of paper. It was still blank waiting for the words to be written. Alice fidgeted in her seat not knowing how to begin. Jessica touched her hand and gave it an encouraging shake. "Perhaps we should begin with Dearest Mother and Father."

Alice shook her head. "I never called them that."

"What did you call them? We shall begin with that." Jessica smiled reassuringly to let her know all would be well.

Alice grinned and nodded in agreement. "Ma and Da."

Dearest Ma and Da,

I hope this letter finds you both well. I write to reassure you both that I am also well. I am a mother now. I have met a wonderful man whose name is Aiden.

When I arrived in Van Diemen's Land, I was assigned to a man by the name of Master Louis Copeland. Aiden was also assigned to him. He has been wonderful to us both and now we have served our time and have both been pardoned. We still work for Master Louis, but he pays us and allows us to live in the gatehouse.

Our son's name is Robert. He is four months old now, and though he has the same dark colouring as Aiden, I think he will have your height Da, and the blue of your eyes Ma.

I began as the Master's housemaid. Aiden works the land and animals. It has been almost nine years since I last saw you both. I miss you very much, but I am happy. I am so sorry Ma for being selfish and thinking of only myself. I have learnt many hard lessons. I love you both so much and beg for your forgiveness.

There are three other assigned convicts living here. An older lady, whose name is Mary. She is the cook and there is George who is the gardener. He looks old, but I suspect he is not so old. And there is Jessica who is writing down these words for me. She arrived eight months ago. The master acquired her so as to replace me when I had young Robert.

They are all wonderful people and we are like a family. I wish you well and hope to see you again one day.

All my love,


Copyright© 2019 Donna Fieldhouse. All rightsreserved.

I'm so glad Alice has been able to write to her parents and let them know she is safe and well.

Thanks for being here.  I'd love to see your name in a comment so I can say thank you properly. xoxo

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