Chapter Seventy-Three

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A letter arrived from Edward summonsing Louis to Hobart Town. He was to bring Jessica with him. The petition had been put through. Jessica was to appear before the Governor and present her story.

When the ship from Ireland docked in London, Adam knocked on the door of her cabin.

Jessica opened it.

He pushed past her, closing it behind him. "We have arrived. Are you ready?"

Jessica nodded but wouldn't look at him. She was unsure of why Adam should bring her to London.

He tilted her face upwards and peered at her. "You are nervous?"

Jessica would have liked to lie to him. Something told her she was in danger. "Yes. A little," she murmured.

He touched her tenderly on the cheek with the back of his hand. "There is no need to be. We shall have a wonderful time and not let our differences come between us." Adam pulled a black lace veil from his waistcoat. "However, you will wear this over your face while we are in London."

Jessica took a step back. "Why?"

"You are very beautiful, Jessica." He smiled and touched her cheek again. "If I cannot have you, no one shall. You will wear the veil so your face is hidden." He paused. "And you will pose as my wife while we are here."

"No, Adam!" Jessica took another step back. "What is this that you are planning? I will not do it."

Adam lunged at her and gripped her chin. "You shall do as I say, Jessica or I will change my mind about forcing you to succumb to me," he hissed and then added sweetly, "It is just to protect you. I will not have men presenting themselves to you without my permission." He released his hold on her chin and cupped her face lovingly. "Do we have an agreement Jessica?"

"Edward, Kathleen, this is Jessica." Louis presented her to his friends.

"Oh, Louis she is beautiful," Kathleen gushed. "Come. Come with me my dear, you must be tired." Kathleen led her away.

Louis smiled at Jessica when she looked over her shoulder at him as she was led away.

"Well, Louis." Edward clapped him on the back, bringing him out of his thoughts. "She'll definitely be pardoned, but whether it's unconditional or not will be up to the Governor. He doesn't give out many of those I'm afraid."

"It's of no matter, Edward." Louis took his friend by the hand and shook it hard. "You've done a great job. I couldn't have done better myself. I thank you immensely." Louis looked toward where the two women were seated, chatting as if they were long lost friends. Kathleen was wonderful at making people feel comfortable in her presence. He turned back to Edward. "She has agreed to become my wife, but refuses to marry until she has been pardoned. I've tried to explain to her that, yes it's illegal for a free man to have relations with a convict, but a husband is allowed to have his wife assigned to him."

"Congratulations. I never thought I'd see the day." Edward laughed and studied Louis. "What are her reasons against being wed and assigned to you?"

Louis dragged in a lungful of air and shook his head. "I would have married her weeks ago, but she won't marry me if she's not pardoned. She says she wants to marry as a free woman and not a convict because she doesn't want to disgrace me by being a convict. She thinks it will ruin me and my business." A sad look crossed Louis's face. "I don't know what I'll do if she's not freed."

"We shall require two separate rooms." Adam looked at the hotel manager. "Adjoining of course. My wife enjoys her moments alone, especially since she is in mourning over the loss of her mother."

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