Chapter Ninety-Two

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"Motherhood suits you, Jessica," Adam said.

Jessica looked up at him from where she sat on the blanket in the shade of the oak tree. The wind blew her hair and swept it across her face. Adam let Samuel slide from his back, and then lay on his side on the blanket beside her, supporting himself on one elbow.

Even though he had been treating her well she had avoided being alone with him as much as possible. Jessica had given a lot of thought to what he had said. She knew she would never see Louis again and realised that she did need to be supported if she wanted the best for her child, but knew deep in her heart, that it would take a long time for her to give in to Adam. Oh, she knew many woman married men for convenience, and then had to endure having their bodies used by these men. No matter how hard she'd tried to convince herself that she could do it the thought of having Adam near her in this way made her feel ill and empty. Happiness for her was holding her daughter and looking into her beautiful blues eyes, which she had inherited from her father.

"And are you well?" Adam asked.

Jessica ignored the question and busied herself with her baby. She wrapped the blanket tighter to protect her from the wind.

"I asked you a question, Jessica." Adam reached out and pulled the hair from her face. "I'd like an answer."

Knowing why he asked this question, Jessica kept her eyes on the baby and shook her head. "No." She swallowed the lump in her throat. "I need more time." She closed her eyes as a dull throb started a rhythm in her head.

"I grow impatient." Adam sighed as he ran his fingers down her arm.

"I can't do it." Jessica shrank from his touch. "I'm sorry, Adam. I just can't do it. I know others do but I have loved and know what it's like to be loved equally. How could you possibly want this knowing I would be thinking of another?"

Adam sat up and took hold of her wrist. "I'm trying really hard to not get angry with you." He dragged in a large breath of air, and then released her seeing the red ring he'd made on her skin. "I'm sorry." Adam looked into the distance, and then back at her. "It's good enough for me. With time you'll forget him and only see me. It will be my touch you desire. You just have to open your mind to me."

Could she? Jessica stared at him. After all he'd done to her. She looked down at her baby. If he hadn't sent her away she'd have never met Louis and wouldn't be holding his child in her arms. Instead she'd probably be sitting here at this very moment with Adam's child in her arms. She looked back up at him. He was showing a lot of patience with her and he was a very good looking man. Perhaps she would forget Louis in time.

"I'll give you two more weeks. In this time I want you to open your mind and heart to me. Please." He paused and ran his finger across her cheek. "If you do this you'll be more receptive to my touch." Adam smiled and touched her baby's head with the same gentleness. "I want your daughter and my sons to be connected by blood. Another child by our bodies union will do this."

Jessica stared at him wide-eyed. Desperation caught her in its grip. She had no choice. It seemed that this was her destiny. Had always been her destiny.

"I can see the truth has dawned on you." Adam cupped her chin and leaned toward her. "Do as I ask, Jessica. Let me in. Let me be master of my house and all within it. I'll treat you well. Your daughter will have a father and my sons will have a mother." Adam looked into her eyes and whispered, "Let me hear you say you will."

Tears rolled down her face as he put his lips to hers.

"I'll do as you ask."

"I can't hear you, Jessica."

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