Chapter Eighty-Five

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Jessica stood on the gravel drive, her luggage on the ground beside her. She watched as the carriage drove away. There was no turning back. She lifted her bag and began her ascent up one of the two stairways. Jessica walked slowly as she looked up at the house. She focused on one set of windows and saw a curtain fall.

She was not alone.

Mr. Masterson covered her with his cloak. He was disappointed when they'd had to return early due to bad weather. He hoped by showing this consideration for Jessica's comfort, he would win favour with her cousin, Adam, who had not been pleased by her father's judgment, pointing out Matthew's previous indiscretions and voicing that he did not feel Matthew was a fitting suitor for Jessica.

As she ran with him now toward the stairs, his cloak around her, she focused on one set of windows and saw a curtain fall.

They were not alone.

"So you have returned and in disgrace by the look of you." Adam walked backwards and forwards with his hands held behind him.

Millie sat straight-backed across from her on the settee fiddling with her lace cuffs. As yet she had not looked directly at Jessica. Millie's dark blue dress was high collared and stiff. Her dull brown hair had been pulled back tight on top of her head.

Jessica could just make out the small scar on her neck below her ear. She grimaced as she remembered Wilbur as he had jumped up excitedly at their visitor and the horror of Millie's scream when she thought he was attacking her. Jessica also remembered the anger in Adam's voice when he told her she must get rid of her beloved pet. She turned her face toward him and held her head high with pride as she said, "Do not talk to me of disgrace. What you did to me stripped me of most of my self-pride long ago." The grief for her dog came back to her; it mingled with the anger she had for her loss of many things.

He stepped directly in front of her. Jessica tensed. After everything she been through she had not lost any of the fear she had of him but she held her own as she added, "I have been to see Mr. Stephens. He has told me of the debt you are in and that all the money has gone."

"It is not Adam's fault!" Millie cried. Tears of anguish trailed down her face.

Adam turned on her. "You will sit and say nothing!"

Millie cringed when he pointed at her.

Jessica looked from her and back at Adam. "I have nowhere to go. Loxton Hall is my home. More mine than yours. I shall live here undisturbed until my child is born. You owe me that much, and then when I leave I shall take some things of value so I might sell them and provide some sort of life for my child."

"I do not want you in this house!" Millie screamed.

Adam scowled as he took a step and stood over his wife. "What is it dear, Millie? Are you afraid the past has returned to torment you?" He sneered and said, "Perhaps it has, but we shall discuss this later." Fury reddened his face as he added, "No more do you influence me."

He turned from her and stood glaring down at Jessica. He took her roughly by the chin, forcing her face upwards. "Do not think you can ever tell me what you will or won't do. I will not stand for it, Jessica." She tried to pull her chin from his hold, but he squeezed tighter, and then knelt before her. "I realise that I made a gross error in my judgment when I sent you away. We shall begin where we left off." He tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "After your child is born I shall have definite plans for what will become of you."

"I see Mr. Masterson pleases you."

Jessica did not answer. She turned to walk away.

Adam chuckled and said, "Do you see him as your escape from here?"

She stood at the door with her hand on the knob. The cool smooth surface of the brass soothed her. She lifted her gaze to look at him. "Yes."

Adam smiled and moved toward her. He pinched her cheek. "He shall not have you. He does not fit into my plans for you."

"However, I agree with my dear wife. You will not live in the Hall. The gatehouse has an empty room. You will reside there with my mistress." He gave her a smile and added, "You do remember Hannah, don't you?" When Jessica eyes widen at his words Adam laughed and said, "I see you do." He smirked. "Hannah serves me well. Two fine sons she has given me. Not like my barren wife." He shoved Jessica's face away as he stood. Adam strode to the drink table and pulled the bell cord for the butler. "Carson, take Miss Jessica to the gatehouse. She will live there with Hannah. Two birds from similar nests. They shall suit each other well."

Copyright © 2019 Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

I don't know whether to feel sorry for Millie or not. What about you?

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