Chapter Sixty-Five

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Jessica found it hard to fall asleep, the moon was bright and the, shadow windows, unlike their counterparts, were no longer square, but elongated and diamond shaped. They stretched, from one corner to the other on her wall. Jessica watched as the tree silhouettes grew, shrunk, and then grew again, through and over those, shadow windows.

She wasn't tired. Unease about the day's events ate at her stomach and mind. If he really cared about her, wouldn't he have at least said goodnight? It was wrong, she thought, what had happened between them. She should have never allowed him to touch her. However, it was too late now for regrets. At the time it had felt so right. Perfect. Yet, he had said nothing to her on their ride home. She was sure when he had woken her up that she had seen adoration in his eyes. Anxiety rippled through her chest. She felt so confused and began to cry. She knew she loved Louis but what should she do? How did she continue from here? Did he intend to make her his mistress? If so she could not allow it.


"Master Louis has gone off to George Town, after Master Daniel," Mary said.

Stunned, Jessica stared blankly at Mary.

"He left a letter saying he would be back as soon as he could, so there won't be any need to light the fire this morning." Mary bustled around the room as she spoke.

Without saying a word Jessica nodded at Mary's back.

"Are ye all right, Jess?" Mary turned to look at her.

"Oh yes," Jessica muttered and smiled to reassure Mary that she was fine. "I'm a bit sore this morning. I guess I shall count my blessings. I don't have to bend down to light fires today."

"Yeah," Mary chuckled. "I reckon ye might be a bit sore after riding yeste'day." She turned to stir the pot of oatmeal she was cooking.

Curious to know if Louis had even thought of her Jessica asked, "Did the letter say anything else, Mary?"

"Not that I could read." Mary pulled the letter from her apron pocket. "Here, ye read it. I's not so good at reading as ye are and I may have missed something."

Jessica took the letter in her hand and read. She shook her head, disappointed. "You're right, Mary. That's all it says." Jessica bit down on her lip to stop it from quivering. "I shall go and make up the Masters bedchamber."

"I'll ring the bell, Jess when the breakfast is ready," Mary called through the already closed door.

Jessica wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her shirt and threw the pillows onto the floor. He hadn't said good-bye. Why would he need to leave in such a hurry? She pounded at the bedclothes straightening out the wrinkles and then slumped on the edge of the bed. What had she done? She lifted a cushion and hit it harder than was necessary to plump it. "How stupid are you?" she said as she tossed the pillow against the bedhead. "You know what men are like. You've seen it done and yet you let it happen." More tears rolled down her face. She had allowed herself to be compromised in the worse possible way. Something she had vowed never to do while having the power to make that decision. Yet, she'd had the power but hadn't stopped him. Fault could only be laid at her feet. Jessica picked up a second cushion and buried her face in the fabric. It had all felt so right at the time. She knew she would never have stopped him because no matter what, she had wanted him as much as he had wanted her. Jessica sighed and lifted her face. She stood up and dried her eyes. With determination she said, "You still have power to decide the future." Jessica lifted the rest of the pillows and threw them onto the bed. She buried the damp one in among the rest and promised herself that she would never allow what happened yesterday to happen again.


Louis rode like crazy. He had left well before sun up. Daniel was now more than twenty-four hours in front of him. If he were to be caught up with, Louis would have to ride almost non-stop all the way to George Town. He wanted to make amends with his brother and tell him how he really felt about Jessica. Though she was unaware, his intention was to marry her. He should never have let Daniel leave the way he had. At the time his only thoughts were of Jessica and having her to himself.

He hadn't said good-bye to her. He would have liked to, but didn't want to intrude on her sleep. He had left a note on the kitchen table letting them know where he was going. Louis hoped Jessica would understand his need to leave in such a hurry.

Daniel was sitting on the verandah looking out toward the river when the knock sounded on his door. He opened it to find Louis standing there. Daniel took a step back and cocked his head. "This is unexpected, Louis. I didn't think I would be seeing you for a very long time, if ever again."

"I understand your thinking." Louis smiled again. "I had a brief moment where I thought we could no longer be brothers." He chuckled and tilted his head. "Until I came to my senses." Louis lifted his hand and lay his palm out toward the door. "Can I come in, Daniel? So we may talk."

Daniel stepped back to allow Louis to enter. "You must have ridden straight through to get here in the time you have," he said a little stunned.

"I didn't want to miss you." Louis sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I don't want us to part on bad terms. As you have already guessed I'm in love with Jessica. Until yesterday I wasn't sure if she held the same affections for me." Louis crossed the room and stepped out onto the verandah. He looked at the river, and then turned to face his brother once more. "You, my brother, were a threat I didn't need. I responded with jealously, thinking Jessica had affection for you. I'm sorry I reacted the way I did." He smiled and then pointed his finger at Daniel. "Though, you swine deserved the blow I laid upon you."

Daniel rubbed his mouth where Louis had hit him. "Yes." He nodded in agreement and smirked. "I did deserve that." He took a deep breath and held his hand to Louis. "I am sorry, Louis. I have learnt a hard lesson. One I needed to learn."

Louis yanked his head back a fraction and frowned. "And what lesson is that?"

"I must treat women with more respect than I do. I jest too much and as yet have never felt about a woman as you feel about Jessica. I assume I can charm them all, have my fun and leave, without thinking of the consequences of my actions." Daniel tweaked his mouth in a grin and lifted his shoulders. "This is probably the reason I've not yet met the lady of my dreams." Daniel indicated the chairs. "Come sit and have a drink with me. Let's get drunk as we did when we were younger and you can tell me what your plans are."

Copyright © 2019 Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

Thanks for hanging in there. xoxox  

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