Chapter Fifty-Six

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When they returned to the house, Alice was taking washing from the line. Jessica was at the pump filling buckets with water. Daniel walked toward her and bowed. "Good evening fair maiden, and how hath your day been?"

Jessica blushed and curtsied. She couldn't help but laugh. "It has been a good day, Sir."

Daniel bent; took her by the hand and placed a kiss on the back of it. "I am pleased," he said smiling widely at her embarrassment. He lifted her buckets, one in each hand. "Where would you like me to take these?"

"I can do it, Master Daniel," Jessica said, as she reached for one of them.

He pulled it out of her reach. "No, I think not. It would give me great pleasure, if you would allow me to do the honour." He smiled once more.

Jessica nodded. As she lowered her head she smiled, then turned and walked inside with Daniel following behind.

Louis watched from the stable door. This open display of flirting Daniel was showering on Jessica, sat uncomfortably within him. Even more disturbing, was her enjoyment of it. He would have to speak to Daniel and stop it from going any further. He followed after them into the house. As he walked toward his bedroom he heard Daniel's voice filtering down the hall, the words muffled. Louis couldn't make out what he was saying. He heard Jessica laughing. When he entered through the door, he saw admiration on her face. She stopped her tittering the instant she realised Louis was there. She picked up the empty buckets and hurriedly left the room.

"She is quite something, Louis," Daniel said after Jessica had left.

"Yes, Daniel." Louis scowled at his brother. "A convict. Not your usual preference I would think."

"Yes not of our class, Louis. But definitely a fine example of womanhood." Daniel rubbed his chin thoughtfully and laughed some more. "They are all the same naked and with their mouths shut."

Louis said nothing in reply to this comment, but instead began to shave. "I suggest you get ready for dinner, Daniel."

Louis had gone into his study to add the transactions he had made that day into his journals. While he did this Daniel made his way into the kitchen. Mary and Jessica were finishing the last of the preparations for dinner, when he entered. He went and stood next to Mary, and then leant over her shoulder and sniffed the gravy she was making. "Mm...Mary today all of Launceston came rushing to meet me, just so they could tell me you are the best cook in the district." He put his finger quickly in the gravy and then stuck it into his mouth, making loud noises of delight.

Mary blushed and flicked her tea towel at him. "Get off with ye, Master Daniel."

Jessica laughed at Mary's embarrassment. Daniel turned to her. "Do not laugh, Jessica. It is true. I am thinking of asking my brother for Mary's hand."

Mary scoffed some more but her voice was full of affection. "Oh, Master Daniel, ye could charm the skin off a snake." She chortled. "The only hand of mine, Master Louis will be giving ye, is the one I'll be laying across your backside, if ye don't stop your cheek." She huffed. "My hand indeed and I's old enough to be ye mother."

Daniel wrapped his arm around her shoulder and kissed her forehead. "Well if I can't have your hand, for all my complements, I expect an extra serve of pudding, dear lady."

Mary laughed and nodded her head. "And ye shall get it, Sir. Rightly enough. Now get off with ye, out of my kitchen."

As Jessica entered the dining room with their meals, Daniel stood. He took a rose from the vase in the centre of the table and presented it to her. She looked nervously from the flower to Louis, unsure of how to respond in his presence. Jessica liked Daniel and took his flirting good naturedly. She also felt Louis's tension. The colour seemed to drain from his face. She noticed the set of his jaw and his eyes widen just a fraction every time Daniel bowed or kissed her hand.

"Take it if you will," Louis said trying to sound light hearted.

Jessica smiled shyly, curtsied, and then took the rose as she darted from the room.

"Daniel I want you to stop this."

"Stop what, Louis?" Daniel took a mouthful of food, chewed and swallowed.

"You know very well what I mean, but I'll play your game. No more flowers, no more fair maidens and no more kisses."

Daniel scooped up another forkful of food and cocked his head. "Why, she likes it."

"She might like it, Daniel but she is a servant." Louis started on his food to try and pat down his temper.

"Yes, she is," Daniel laughed. "Perhaps she will fulfill some of those other needs I may require." He lifted his head and stared at his brother. "Or is that what you're afraid of?"

Louis glared at Daniel. "If that is what she wishes, she may please herself." Louis slammed his fist on the table and thrust his face forward. "But not in my house!"

"As you say, Louis." Daniel chuckled. "Not in your house."

When Jessica went in to turn Louis's bed down, he was already there, undressing. She looked away. "I am sorry, Master I didn't expect you to be here."

Louis sat in his armchair and proceeded to take off his boots. "Come. Do what you have to do. I shall wait."

She placed the fresh water jug she was carrying on the bedside table and pulled the covers back on the bed. When she had fluffed the pillows she turned to leave.


She turned to face him. He was seated in his chair with his boots and shirt off. Jessica looked to the ground. "Yes, Master?"

"My brother Daniel. You must take what he says in jest." Louis stared at her bowed head and drummed his fingers on the arm of his chair. "It is his nature to flatter attractive young women."

Jessica nodded at the floor. "Yes, Master." She was somewhat saddened to hear this, but understood.

"Well then." Louis wasn't sure what to say next so he said, "Good night to you."

"Yes, Sir, and good night to you."     

 Copyright © 2019 Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

I think things are heating up at Ashton House.

How will Louis take it if Jessica falls in love with Daniel?



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