Chapter Fourteen

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The house was dark and silent when Jessica woke. She didn't know what time it was, or if it was early morning or late evening. All she knew was that she was extremely hungry.

Looking out of the window she could see the moon was bright, silhouettes of the trees and the outline of the gatehouse amongst them. The breeze gently swayed their branches, making shadows dance across the ground.

Jessica decided to find her way to the kitchen. Surely there would be some bread in the pantry. She hoped the moon's rays filtered through the kitchen windows, giving enough light to allow her to see what she was doing. Jessica had no candle and no idea where she might find one.

As she moved through the doorway to the adjoining room she realised how very dark the house was. A wave of nausea gripped her. The floor seemed to move under feet reminding her of her time on the ship. Jessica moved slowly, her arms stretched out in front of her. She felt her way along the wall to the door to find the beginning of the stair rail. Her heart beat faster as she stepped into the gloom.

The house was so silent. She took three steps then stopped. Had she heard something? Jessica waited, listening. Nothing. She continued slowly taking one tread at a time. Half way down, the faint glow of light seeped from under one of the doors of the rooms beneath her. From where she stood she couldn't tell which room the light came from. Its loom transcended into the open hallway. The sound of a doorknob turning caused her to hold her breath. She eased out her breath and took another hoping the person moving around would not hear her. Jessica crouched on the steps. A door opened. Light filled the hallway. She covered her eyes, shocked at how bright it was. She blinked until her eyes became adjusted to the light. Jessica looked down to see the master slipping his arms into a heavy coat. There was a bag at his feet. Fear washed over her. If he should look up he would surely see her. He took the oil lamp from the hallstand and lifted his bag from the floor, then proceeded to walk along the passage toward the kitchen.

Jessica waited on the stairs until she felt sure he wouldn't return. There would be no stealing of food tonight. She scurried up the stairs and climbed back into bed. Hunger was no stranger. She'd have to wait until daylight.

Copyright © 2018 Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

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