Chapter Forty-Eight

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Rachel looked Jessica up and down as she served Louis his meal. She had been able to tell Louis was different somehow. As soon as she had stepped from the carriage, in fact. His reaction to her touching his hair after Jessica had left the drawing room had been hurtful.

The convict was dressed in a plain white blouse, skirt, and apron. Rachel noticed she had her hair down and was not wearing a mop hat, like most servants. The girl was very pretty, Rachel decided. She shifted her gaze to Louis. He had leaned back in his chair and was watching the servant intently. Rachel didn't like the smoldering look in his eyes. She knew now why Louis had reacted the way he had. He wanted the wench, and knowing Louis the way she did, she suspected he'd probably already had her in his bed. Rachel's mind turned over. She thought; this is why he has not been to see me for some time. Rachel sucked in her breath and sat straighter in her chair. She was not having this. She knew the girl would mean nothing to Louis, after all what else would she have to offer him but her body. Whereas she, Rachel, had connections, education, and wealth.

Surely not, Millie thought. Surely he could not be interested in Jessica that way.

The way he was with her.

The way he touched her.

She would do anything for him.

Anything to have him touch only her.

Rachel smiled and decided she was being stupid. There was nothing to fear from this convict girl. After all, didn't most masters bed their servants? She would put the girl in her place at the first opportunity.

Jessica finished serving their meals. She collected the empty bowls and was about to leave the room when Rachel spoke to her in a sickly sweet voice. "Jessica would you please lay out my night clothes?"

"Yes, Madam," Jessica said as she bent at the knees to resemble a curtsy. She turned to leave the room.

"And Jessica," Rachel called. "I shall ring for you when I need help to undress." She smiled smugly. Looked at Louis and put her hand on his as she added, "That is if I don't get offered the services of someone else." She turned her face back to Jessica, just to make sure her message had been understood.

Jessica looked blankly at Rachel, nodded, bent at the knees once more and left the room. When she managed to close the door behind her she let out the breath she had been holding. Her head was a swirl with confused emotion. She felt sure the lady was goading her for some reason, but was not sure why. She looked toward the ceiling. God please make these two days go quickly, she prayed. Jessica shook her head. Why would God do her any favours? He hadn't thus far.

She was in the kitchen helping with the washing up when the bell from the guestroom rang. Jessica wiped her hands on her apron and sighed. Obviously the lady hadn't been offered help from other sources to undress. This thought lightened Jessica's mood a little. She untied her apron and looked over at Mary. "Well this will be the beginning of her demands I suppose?"

Mary gave her a look of sympathy. "Just control that temper of yours. The Master won't take kindly to ye offending his mistress. And ye do everything she tells you." Mary yanked her head forward to impress what she had said.

Jessica nodded and gave Mary a wry smile. "I'll try, Mary. I'll try."

She knocked on the door and waited until she was told to come in. Rachel had let her hair down and was sitting at the dressing table slowing brushing it. Jessica looked at how it shined in the candlelight. It wasn't as long or as thick as her own but the colour was rich and glossy. It hung perfectly straight and ended evenly at Rachel's shoulder blades.

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