Chapter Forty-Nine

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Jessica lay in her bed thinking about what Mary had said and the few close moments she and Master Louis had together. Could Mary be right? Did he want her in his bed? Anger swilled in the pit of Jessica's stomach. She thought of another man, another time.

She watched as Hannah crept from his room. A small sprinkling of freckles scattered across her nose. Her dusty blonde hair hung in soft wisps with her nightdress hanging loosely from her shoulders. She fumbled straightening it and tying the bow. Hannah wiped her face with the back of her hand. Jessica realised she was crying.

Master Louis would have to find someone else if that's what he wanted from his servants. How could she have thought his kindness would have been for any other purpose? Never would she let him touch her. Let him believe whatever Mrs. Templeton chose to tell him, she didn't care. As far as she was concerned the two deserved each other.

The next morning Jessica knocked gently on Louis' bedchamber door, opened it, and walked into the room. Louis was standing pulling his trousers on, his hair was tousled and his chest bare. He turned to see her standing frozen in the doorway. She quickly lowered her face to the floor. Jessica took a deep breath to control the mix of emotions that ran through her.

Rachel sat up in the bed and pulled the covers over her breasts. Her hair fell down over her shoulders and mingled with her clear white skin.

Jessica froze. She was embarrassed to have found them like this. Both anger and sadness took a grip on her. She trembled as her heart thundered in her chest.

Louis took the tray from her hands. "Please bring another cup, Jessica." His voice sounded different somehow.

"Yes, Sir." Jessica spun on her heels and ran from the room.

Louis felt sick in the stomach. Jessica wouldn't look at him when she served breakfast. She hung her head in an odd way and her hair was done differently. He didn't like it.

Rachel chattered on and on about people he barely knew and who did not interest him. Her voice, high and shrill, drove into his brain and seemed to blur his concentration. He was only half hearing what she was saying.

"Louis, don't you agree?"

He shook his head. "I'm sorry Rachel. What was that you said?"

"I'm telling you about that horrid convict you have." Rachel chopped randomly at the food on her plate. She looked up and used her cutlery to point at the door. "What was her name again? This one who has just served us breakfast."

"Jessica?" Louis tilted his head to one side. His mind cleared waiting to hear what Rachel was going to say.

"Yes, whatever," Rachel waved the name aside with her fork. "I reprimanded her last night for wearing her hair down when she was in service. Really, Louis you need a woman to run your household for you." She beamed over at him.

Louis's mind raced. That's why Jessica's hair looked different. Why she seemed different.

"She did not like it!" Rachel continued as she hacked at her food some more.

Had he missed something? Louis crinkled his brow. "Did not like what?"

Rachel sighed and laid her knife and fork on the table. "My reprimanding her. She was most vicious and pulled out my hair in her fit of temper."

"She did what?" Louis straightened in his chair.

"She pulled my hair out. I asked her to brush it for me. It was then that I told her she must tie her hair back and wear her mop hat." Rachel rolled her eyes. "What kind of servant doesn't know that? Then she tried to tell me you told her to wear her hair down. These convict whores will try anything so as not to take blame. Really! I told her to stop lying or I would advise you to send her back where she belongs."

"And where is that Rachel?" Louis seethed but she didn't seem to notice.

"To the factory of course." Rachel lifted her tea cup and looked at Louis over the rim. "She did not like what I said so grabbed my hair and pulled it out." She put her cup down with some force, lifted her head up proudly and then said, "So I struck her with the brush."

Louis leaned back in his chair, gripped the armrests with his hands and clenched his teeth. "Why was I not informed of this last night?"

"Well..." Rachel smiled, giggled and lifted her cup once more. "I thought that would have been obvious." She pouted and in a sulky way added, "Unless last night meant nothing to you!"

Louis ran his hands through his hair. He was tired and angry, shocked and confused by what she had told him. He muttered, "I shall speak to her."

"Speak to her!" Rachel's voice rose. She dropped her cup into the saucer so it spun until it settled. "I should hope she receives much more than a talking to. Really, Louis? Do I mean nothing to you? Or perhaps she is more to you than just a servant. Is this why you have not come to see me for almost ten months?" she screeched.

Unable to control his pent up anger, Louis leant across the table and grabbed Rachel by the arm. "I will deal with this my way. Never! Rachel. Never tell me how to run my house." He gave her a shake. "Do you understand me?"

Tears formed in her eyes. Rachel had seen this side of Louis once before, when he had dealt with the men who managed his ships. She had seen his anger when they had undermined him and over looked his orders. She had seen hate in his eyes, the same hate that was in his eyes now. "I'm...I'm sorry Louis. I thought I was doing the right thing."

He let go of her arm as if it was something that disgusted him and left her sitting at the table.

Copyright © 2019 Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

Oh...dear.  I wonder what Louis is going to do?

Thanks for reading. I'd love you to vote or comment. xoxo

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