Chapter Fifty

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Louis waited in the study for Jessica. She was taking too long. His impatience grew. He knew she had a temper, but wasn't certain if she could become as volatile as Rachel had described. He snapped as soon as she stepped into the room. "What has taken you so long?"

"I am sorry, Master." Jessica hung her head. "I was outside pegging out the washing and did not hear you ring."

"Look at me!" Louis grabbed her roughly by the chin and forced her face upwards. "How many times must I say this to you?" He caught sight of her cheek and turned her face to the light so he could see it better. "She did this to you?" he growled.

Jessica said nothing.

"Answer me!" he almost shouted at her.

Jessica wanted to hit him, to slap him across the face to make him see he should not be yelling at her. Instead, she whispered, "Yes, Master."

Louis stepped back and ran his hands through his hair. He was back to step one. He took a breath to calm himself and then said, "Tell me what happened."

"I'm sure Mrs. Templeton has told you already, Master." Jessica couldn't see the point in disputing what had already been said. Seeing them as she had that morning proved she'd be wasting her breath.

"I want to hear your side of this, Jessica." Louis spoke calmly. How could he make her see her point of view was very important to him?

"I do not want to go against Mrs. Templeton, Master. I presume she is to become your wife and it would not be right. You must do what you have to do, Sir." Jessica lowered her head in resignation.

Louis stepped in close and cupped her face with his large hand. Too close for Jessica to feel comfortable. She took a step back to create some distance. He put his arm around her waist and drew her to him. Louis looked deep into her eyes and whispered, "You presume too much, Jessica."

She blushed and quickly looked away to try and gather her wits. His warm breath on her face had her head spinning. "But this morning, Master I thought..." she trailed off.

"Yes, I'm sorry you had to see that." Louis stroked her jaw with his thumb. "Now look at me and tell me what happened."

Louis didn't step back or let her go as she spoke. His blood boiled and his heart ached as he listened to her plead.

"Please don't send me away, Master. I could not bear it! I think I would rather die." Tears rolled slowly down her cheeks as she looked up at him with her big beautiful eyes.

"What makes you think I would send you away?" Here he was holding her, listening to her side of the story and she thought he would send her away. Did she have no inkling of how he felt about her? Louis couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. She obviously didn't know or understand him any better than the first day they had met.

"Mrs. Templeton said..." Jessica jerked back her tears. "She said you would listen to her. She said she would recommend you send me back to the factory."

He turned up his lip and chuckled sarcastically. "Now it is Mrs. Templeton who presumes too much."

"But you and she are very close and..."

Louis cut her off. "And you thought I would listen only to her." Louis cocked his head at her, a smile on his face.

Relief flooded through Jessica. She smiled shyly, relieved to know he understood.

"Jessica." Louis stroked her face with his fingers. "When a man takes a woman to his bed, it does not always mean he is in love with her, or that he will marry her for that reason."

"Oh," Jessica blushed not knowing how to answer. Of course she knew this. Had witnessed it. She felt so stupid to assume that marriage to Mrs Templeton was Louis' intention. Especially after what both Alice and Mary had told her.

The feel of his warm breath on her skin caused Jessica to stiffen. Her chest constricted as he touched her bruised cheek with his lips. Jessica put her hands against his chest to push him away. "Master I...." His lips stopped her from speaking. Panic trembled through her body.

She should push him away, but she did not.

She should stop him, but she did not.

He added depth to his kiss. Jessica responded, just a little. She closed her eyes to absorb the sensation and then turned her head quickly away. This was wrong. She wanted to cry so bit down hard on her bottom lip to still her mind.

Louis stepped back. What had he just done? He took a deep breath and released it. "I will never send you away, Jessica," he said as he opened the door.

When he left the room Jessica gasped for air. She sobbed into her hands. She must not let this happen. She knew full well what occurred when a master made use of his servant. Jessica wiped her face with resolve. She must not let this happen. Whatever it was, that was developing between them could not continue to grow.

Rachel left the next morning. Jessica heard she and Louis arguing as she lay in her bed with her window opened. She hadn't been able to make out the words they had said to each other, but had heard their raised voices.

Copyright© 2019 Donna Fieldhouse. All rightsreserved.

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