Chapter Seventy

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"Doctor Wells! You're here. And Jessica? Master Louis went after her. She had no pass. We didn't think of it at the time," Alice said breathlessly.

"Yes I passed Louis. He was just outside of town when I saw him." Jack Wells frowned and shrugged. "Jessica? I told Louis the same thing. I thought she was in front of me." He lifted his bag from his buggy and then flapped his hand at Alice. "It is no matter at the moment. Perhaps she stopped somewhere. Let me look at young Robert?"

"He woke up, Doctor, but fell back to sleep. I hope we've not wasted your time."

"Did he have anything to eat or drink?"

Alice shook her head. "He only woke for a short while, perhaps ten minutes. Then he fell asleep again."

"This is a good sign." Jack gave her a reassuring smile. "I'd best take a look at him."

She led him inside to where Robert lay on a makeshift bed on the kitchen floor. He knelt down and lifted each of the baby's eyelids, and then placed his ear to Robert's chest. Then the doctor watched his breathing and manipulated each limb. He examined Robert's wound and bruise. Once he was done he looked up and grinned at the two hovering women. "I think he'll live." Jack got to his feet and added, "From what Jessica told me and what I see here, his reaction to the fall was very normal. When a person has a hard bump on the head, their body shuts down, so to speak, for a short moment. It is general when it starts up again, that they will vomit and sleep. His sleep is his body and brain recovering. I'm sure this won't be the last tumble young Robert will take. He's a strong healthy young lad." Both women beamed at him as though he was God. He smiled again and said, "The gash just needs to be stitched and the bruise will go in time."

Dusk had arrived by the time he'd finished his examination and tea was offered. Aiden sat across the table listening to all the details about Robert's fall from Alice and then the doctor's diagnosis. He peered into the gloom and said, "It'll be nightfall soon, Doctor Wells. I think if Master Louis were here he would offer you a bed, so I offer you one in his place."

"Thank you, Aiden. I'll take up the offer. My old mare isn't so good in the dark anymore."

Aiden looked out at the blackening sky and mused, "I would have thought the master would have come home tonight."

Mary and Alice looked at him in thought. Alice said, "Yes, perhaps he thought it would have been too dark by the time they reached home so he decided, for Jessica's sake, not to ride."

"Still." Aiden screwed up his mouth. "He wanted to get an early start in the morning. We have a lot of work to finish and without George the workload is heavier." He tweaked his head and lifted his shoulders a fraction. "Perhaps you're right. He does have Jessica to consider."


Doctor Wells was just settling himself, ready for sleep, when the sound of wagon wheels was heard on the cobblestone courtyard. A rapid knock sounded on his door. His mind filled with thoughts of baby Robert, hoping there were no complications. Still dressed in his nightclothes he opened the door.

"Doctor! Please come! It's Master Louis and Jessica. They need you!"

From the tears in Mary's eyes Jack Wells knew there was no time to change. He rushed with Mary outside to the wagon. Jessica, covered in blood, sat on the floor with Louis's head on her lap. In the light of the lantern that had been lit, he could see her bruised and swollen face, but more importantly the blood stained bandages wrapped around Louis's chest and took note of his shallow breathing. Jack scrambled up beside them. "What happened?" he asked lifting Louis's eyelids.

George climbed from the driver's seat and into the back of the wagon. "Pead stabbed him. We've bandaged him the best we could to stop the bleeding."

"He passed out just after being stabbed but has been awake and in pain most of the way, but he's passed out again," Jessica cried out. "Please, doctor,  I can't lose him." Tears streamed down her face.

"Bastard!" Jack swore. "Quickly. Let's get him inside. I'll need to get a better light to see how deep the wound is." He jumped down and took a hold of Louis's legs. "Mary," he called over his shoulder. "I'll need hot water and cloth. Alice. Go turn down his bed."

George, Aiden, and the doctor lifted Louis as gently as possible and carried him inside to his bedroom. Immediately Jack Wells set to work, he had known Louis for many years, and had been a doctor long enough to know when a man's life was in possible danger. He worked in his nightclothes and when he left Louis's side he was covered in blood.

Aiden had stood in attendance with him, helping where he could.

"I don't know how he will go," Jack said as he walked into the kitchen wiping his hands.. "I've done what I can for him. Luckily it hasn't punctured his lung. Now we just have to wait." Jack Wells shook his head and looked down at Louis. "I can't believe that devil of a man. Pead needs to be hanged for the way he treats people. I wonder what excuse he'll use for stabbing someone as well respected as Master Copeland."

"Aye, he's an evil one that's for sure," Mary murmured. She sighed and looked up at him. "Ye finish getting yeself cleaned up and I'll make ye some tea, Doctor."

Jack, in clean clothes, went back into the kitchen where everyone was seated.

Jessica had washed and put on fresh clothing after Alice had tended to her split lip. When she saw the doctor was finished with Louis she jumped to her feet. "Louis! No one is with Louis, I must sit with him."

Jack took hold of her arm as she made to move around him. "Not until I've had a look at you."

"I'm fine, Doctor. Alice has looked after me." She smiled affectionately over at Alice.

"All the same I would prefer to take a look. Come," he said as he led her out of the room and into the drawing room where he had left his bag.

The others continued to drink their tea and talk of unimportant things to fill the silence. George had Gabrielle and his son with him. "Aiden do ye mind if we bunk down in the barn for the night?"

Aiden shook his head. "Not at all, George. But I'm sure you would be more comfortable in one of the guest rooms. I'm sure the master wouldn't mind in this situation."

Jessica stepped into the room and caught the last of their conversation. "George, you, Gabrielle and Georgie can stay in my rooms. There are the two adjoined and enough beds up there for you all to be comfortable."

"But what of yourself? We don't want to put you out," Gabrielle exclaimed.

"I want to stay with Louis. He needs someone to be with him." No one seemed to take any notice that Jessica had used their master's Christian name.

"I'll stay with him," Mary volunteered.

Jessica shook her head. "Thank you, Mary but I wish to be beside him. It was because of me, he put his life in danger."

Mary didn't argue. She could see the stress on Jessica's face. "'ll let me know if you need anything won't you.

I hope Louis recovers ♥♥

Copyright © 2019 Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

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