Chapter Forty-Three

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The wagon bumped and jiggled over the road. Jessica sat on the seat beside George. Louis rode alongside on horseback. It was a beautiful sunny day. Jessica felt the heat of the sun's rays on her back. She wore an old bonnet, which had once belonged to Alice, to protect her face.

"George we shall stop here and rest for a while." Louis pointed to a thicket of trees, which grew beside the shallow creek they were crossing.

"Yes Sir." George grinned at Jessica knowing she was tired of being jostled around. The road was rough and he could tell she looked forward to the rest.

Louis kicked his horse forward and had already dismounted when George drew the wagon to a stop. He took hold of the lead horse by the bit and patted it on the nose, talking quietly to keep it calm.

Once George had secured the reins, Louis let go of the animal and walked around to Jessica's side of the wagon. He held his hand out to her.

She looked shyly at him and took hold of his hand. Jessica lifted her skirt with her other and stepped onto the step. Her boot got caught in her hem. She squealed as she slipped and fell forward onto Louis, throwing her arms around his neck. Jessica stared at him wide-eyed. "I'm sorry, Master, my boot...." She trailed off. Louis grinned at her. His eyes sparkled with the same mischievous glint she had seen when they bantered in his study.

With his arms around her, he held her above the ground. Louis laughed at the look of embarrassment on her face. "No need to be sorry. It is not every day a beautiful woman throws herself into my arms." Louis looked across at George who was grinning. "Perhaps she's ill, George, what do you think?" Louis turned with Jessica still in his arms, so George could see her face. "Her colouring is changing to a deep shade of red," he laughed some more and added, "Too much sun do you think, George?"

George roared with humour.

Jessica's face turned an even brighter colour, but less with embarrassment and more with anger. He was making fun of her and she did not like it. "Put me down please!" she seethed.

As if she had slapped him Louis jerked his head back, shocked by the tone in her voice. All humour left him as he put her on her feet and watched as she stormed toward the water's edge.

He helped George with the picnic basket and blanket and whispered, "Somehow I think I may have upset her, what do you think?"

George chuckled. "Yes, somehow I think you have." He ran his hand over his mouth to hide his grin and said, "In my experience, Sir if you apologize very sincerely, you will be forgiven and admired for doing so."

"They must be all the same," Louis chortled. "Women, that is. For some reason they don't often take kindly to a bit of light heartiness when it's directed at them."

George nodded and glanced knowingly towards Jessica and then back at Louis. "Especially when it is in the company of others and, comes from someone they perhaps care about, a little more than they should."

"If only that were the case, George." Louis sighed, straightened up and looked across at Jessica. He lifted his finger, pointed and then winked. "I best try a sincere apology and see if I can be forgiven."

George grinned as he watched Louis make his way toward Jessica.

She was crouched at the water's edge, playing with some of the pebbles when Louis stood beside her. She pretended not to see him even though his boots nearly touched her hand. She kept her eyes on his reflection in the water but refused to look up. She was too angry. Why would he want to make her feel so small? A power thing Jessica supposed. Men always wanted to prove their dominance. At least that was her experience. Her father was the only man she had known who had always treated her as an equal.

Louis crouched beside her with his hands hung between his knees. He turned his head to face her. When she wouldn't look back at him he put his hand on top on hers.

Jessica froze at his touch. This was too personal. She tried to withdraw her hand. He held it tighter, so she looked at him, anger showing on her face. His intrusion on her person made her wonder what kind of man he really was. He had done this too often and it always left her feeling confused.

"I am truly sorry, Jessica. Please forgive me. I didn't mean to embarrass you or want to belittle you."

She looked from his face and at her hand where he held it. "Let go of my hand," she demanded. He should not presume just because he was master and she servant, that he had the right to touch her.

Louis frowned and clenched his teeth. She was rejecting him again. Every time she did this, anger boiled inside of him. He stood and pulled her to her feet. "Don't ever tell me what to do, Jessica. You forget I selected you. I paid for you, and so I own you. I shall do as I damn well please." He let go of her hand, infuriated. How could a small jest have escalated to this? "Go sit with George and eat!"

Taken aback by his words Jessica was dumbstruck. She swirled on her heels and strode away.

Louis stood at the water's edge and ran his hands through his hair. Christ, he thought. I should just have her. Take her to my bed and force her to submit. That would put a stop to these cat and mouse games. Louis sighed and smirked at the water. He knew he wouldn't. He wanted more than that from her. He was sorry now for what he had said and only made things worse. For now he'd have to put it behind him and carry on. Perhaps apologize again, later.

Copyright© 2019 Donna Fieldhouse. All rightsreserved.

Oh dear, Louis.  He doesn't seem to be able to get anything right.  

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