47 | 𝐑𝐞𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫

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Tired of my high heels we arrived at the hotel finally. High hells and snow are not a great combo, well aesthetically it may look good practically is torture itself.

The place was very expensively decorated it looked coming straight out of a princess wedding

"Looks like the Beauty and the Beast decorated the place " I heard Blaze whisper making my lips curve into a smirk. The tables were organized with names yet there where no chairs near the tables and the supposedly board with the indication of the guests place to eat was nowhere in sight either, however at the end of the big saloon there was two huge tables, one with food and other with plates and chair at the top there was a small table possibly for the bride and groom.

Not wasting too much time, the guests walked to the table food and started to eat, so we took our change and followed the crowd.

I took everything I possibly could, I blame it on the walk to the church, it really stimulated my appetite. While I tried to wat quietly, minding my own business I sensed some eyes fiercely looking at me, Blaze mother seem to follow every move I made, which was a bit scary.

I walked near Blaze who was holding a glass of wine and a plate with onion bread "So...do you think it's poisoned?" I questioned while munching on my shrimp and looking at his mother

He followed my eyes "Hm no... It would be way to easy"

"You think? If looks could kill you would be at my funeral right now" I commented

"What makes you think that I would go to your funeral?" he questioned turning his face to me, I furrowed my eyebrows revolted by his words

"I know we kind of hate each other but it's the least you could do" I responded angrily taking another shrimp

"The least ?"

"Yes, I had to put up with you for a lots of months you know? It's the least you could do" I told him

"I'll think about it" he responded with a small smirk. Our small talk was interrupted by the wedding planner.

"Ok people, I will now announce the bride and groom and I want you to clap the loudest you can" he shouted

"Can't " Blaze whispered and I looked at his full hands

"LADIES AND GENTLEMAN. THE BRIDE AND GROOM" he screamed at the top of his lungs and right after they appeared, Sarah and Damien hand in hand happily waving at their guests.

They sat down at their table and allowed us to eat... which we were already doing. This rehearsing dinner was the definition of boring, I would just eat and talk with Blaze here and there because everyone else seemed afraid to talk with us.

After a good three hours of boredom, the rehearsing speeches started which I think it's amazing because everyone seems to have taken their inspiration from the same website... The speeches held the same wishes for the couple, and some of them even had the same lines, these people were so fake to each it made me cringe in agony.

The last speeches were the family of the bride and groom, starting by Damien's father... Let's hope he gives a better speech than that one he gave on the first day and last that I had a lunch at their house.

He stood up with teary eyes, he was a elegant man for his age however the fact that I already knew him inside made him look pretty ugly, inside and out. He raised his glass filled with a champagne and smiled at Damien " I have always been a firm believer that God always has a plan for all of us."

"Sure" Blaze commented while taking a sip of his wines

"It is what led me to find my wife, which has led to us having our son Damien. And I believe that God also led Sarah and Damien to each other. Some call it fate, but I call it God's plan."

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