105 | Love

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Blaze pov

"Where we going?" she asked happily while brushing her hands together to warm herself. The winter had came in with no warning and quite beautifully, the streets were white and my wife's nose was red. I think she was starting to get sick although I have warned her quite a few times to dress something warmer. Now she is rubbing her hands together with her nose stuck under her scarf.

"Somewhere" I responded. I had plan for us to go out but this wasn't just a date or a getaway I wanted her to meet someone especially to me. Someone who was my family when mine abandoned me. I wanted her to know that side of my life, those people, the few people whom I trusted my whole life with.

We weren't that far, I stopped one of the dozens of streets in Brooklyn in a brownstone house neighborhood. The old and typical Brooklyn houses. Brownstones are a type of row home that features a brown sandstone façade. These homes are often connected to one another, lining a single street block. Depending on the architectural style you may see a variety of ornate details, window arrangements, large stoops, and high ceilings. They trespass a quite homey and warm feeling.

"Why are we in Brooklyn?" she said stepping out of the car

"Because we have a lunch to attend" I told her smiling at her cuteness rubbing her cold nose with her hands in the gloves. I realized she was cold so I stepped near her in the sidewalk, suddenly embracing her in my arms. She was so small I could cover her with my black long coat. I looked down to find her cute and round face looking at me, her big chocolate eyes roaming my face, she looked like a baby and I just wanted to squeeze her.

"Do we know these people?" she asked

"I wanted you to meet someone important to me. They were like my family for a long time when my family left me" I started to explained she nodded waiting for me to carry on "Remeber the cop?"

"Louis?" she asked making me nod

"I have known Louis for a long time, we were buddies in middle school and in high school. Once we went to different colleges we didn't loose touch, somehow Louis would find a way to see me, and I tried to do the same. He got married to his high school crush, Jada and they had three kids. " I said watching her smile at my explanation "They are my family"

"That's good" she said smiling making me furrow my eyebrows together "It's good to know you weren't completely alone" she mumbled while I hugged her tighter " by the way isn't he a cop? And... what we did isn't sort of illegal?" she asked referring our marriage

"They don't know" I laughed kissing her cheek

"Look at all that love this early in the morning, Jada!" we heard Louis exclaim with the door open waiting for us to get in "Are the lovebirds getting in ?" he teased

"Sure we are" I said letting her go from my arms and grabbing her hand guiding her to the entrance door of Louis and Jadas' house.

"Good morning" I said while entering the house and shaking hands with Lou followed by a quick hug

"Hi. Good morning!" Eleonora said while kissing Louis on the cheek.

"Oh look who it is... my favorite CEO prodigy" I heard Jada say from the kitchen, I watched her wave her hand from the kitchen which was attached to the living room .

"Ah it's the mother of my favorite nephews!" I joked, and talking about nephews I heard quick steps walking down the stairs

"Careful!" Jada shouted to the kids running down the stairs

"UNCLE BLAZE!" They screamed, I smiled at their joy and watched them running to me, I grabbed both of them one in each arm and I lifted them up.

They hugged my neck and kissed both my cheeks "hey guys"

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