119 | I love you

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Elleonora's PoV:

"Blaze, yes darling" Nana explained " he has been here with you the whole time but when he arrived your dad wanted to talk with him" she said looking outside the door, I followed her gaze and as my eyes landed on his figure my heart pounded rapidly but that feeling didn't last much longer, my father was talking while Blaze only nodded, the talk seemed to come to an end, and the last image I got was from Blaze's eyes kicking with mine, his expression was numb and just like that I watched him leave with his head down.

My body reacted suddenly trying to a company where he was going to but the door limited my view. I was suddenly worried. He was here just fractions away from me have I lost him again? My father walks in with a weird expression but it's suddenly washed away when he realized I was awake.

"Honey how are you feeling? Are you okay?" he questioned getting near me

"No- what did you do?" I asked with a stern expression.

"Me? I didn't do anything?"

"Your dad just told him the truth" my mom defended him

"Yeah I bet" I said grabbing the saline support near me

"What did you tell the boy, Michael?" Nana asked in an opposing tone and quite scary if you ask me

"I told him the truth, Esther! She is my daughter I know what's best for her" My dad argued back

"And I know what's best for my daughter too and at the time it wasn't you certainly yet here we are after 27 years with you two married and a daughter!" Nana fired back

"He is not good for her, Esther!HE PUT HER IN DANGER !" My father shouted

"And he took me out of it!"

"And he took her out of it!"

Me and my grandma said at the same time, with my heart already on my throat after watching him leave I carefully place my foot on the ground and placed them inside the hospital slippers.

"Were are you going?" my mother asked grabbing my arm wanting me to stay at the bed

"Trying to fix what my dad did"  I said shaking my arm so my mom would let me go

"You just woke up Elleonora you can't get up!" she proclaimed

"I ate a package of cookies I am fine!" I said getting up and grabbing the saline support with small shells with me me.

My dad blocked the way so I couldn't pass through, I watched his concerned face begging me not to leave.

"Dad" I breathed "wanting or not I will talk to him again, if you don't let me through easily I will force my way out. It's your choice"

"Plrase don't, honey" my father begged

"Listen to your father" my mom recommended

"And do what? Lose the one man who really loves her? You won't find someone who loves your daughter as much as that boy does. You might try to pull them apart, but it's useless. I learned that from you two" Nana explained talking to my dad and my mother. My parents looked at each other realizing my grandmothers words and as they were in that melancholic environment I found my way to escape through the big doors of that fancy hospital room. I looked around through the hallways and found a tall figure near the coffee machine at the end of the hallway walking straight to the stairs exit. I quicker my pace while holding the saline support with me.

"Blaze!" I shouted as loud as I could, the empty hall made my voice echo through it and his head suddenly turn as my voice reached his ears.

"Elleonora" he whispered as his eyes met mine, I finally breathed in relief as he called my name in a way that no one else did. I was finally facing the Blaze I knew. "You should be as back to bed you're still weak"

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