110 | Only memories

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Elleonora's PoV:

I got out of the cab while the cabby helped taking my bags of the trunk, once with the bags on the floor I pushed them to the so knowed door while the tears rushed down my face. I rang th ebell and a woman appeared in her robe, her hair in a blue hair cap and his still sleepy but once she took a good look at me she finally woke up.

"Honey? What are you doing here? What happened?" My mom asked in a worried tone while pulling me inside "Michael!" she screamed calling my dad while sitting me down on the couch

"What happened Eleonor?" She asked again crouching in front of me while touching my wet face "You're so cold honey, what happened?"

"I am here! What's going on? What is all this bags? WHo is- Ellie? " My dad said running towards us

"I am sorry Ma" I said while looking at her through my foggy vision "You were right"

"Wait- Was it him?"My dad questioned revolted "He took you out of the house? God damn, I will beat that little shit!" He said ready to leave the front dor but my mom stopped him

"No, you won't. Last time he didn't punch for respect this time I don't know if he will do the same so g get something for your daughter to eat" she commanded

"What happened, sunshine?"She asked softly while placing the hair behind my ear

"I did everything you didn't want me too, Mom. I am so sorry" I tried to say while sobbing between words "but I... I fell for him and now it's over, he doesn't want to see me again" As I finished the last words I couldn't help but ugly cry in front of my mom. All of the emotions that were rambled on my chest were now finally leaving.

"Oh sweetie"she simply said sitting next to me and holding me in her arms, my head rested on her chest while she rocked us in the sofa trying to calm me down.

"I am sorry mom! You were right! You were always right"

"It's okay baby... shhh" My mom patted my head while trying to calm me down, at this moment I just felt incredibly vulnerable, I felt the world collapsing on me and my heart shattering into pieces. I thought that I knew what love was, romantic love but turns out he was the first person I really loved because besides of dating other men my heart never broken like this.

Every time I breathe it hurts, everytime I open my eyes I feel the tears rushing down my face without permission, and in everything that I do, I can only think of him. I never knew I could feel so much pain and yet still be in love with the person who caused it.

The world stopped to make sense and this just felt like a nightmare that I couldn't get rid of, I thought I knew him, I loved him, I trusted him with all of me, he was the one person that I thought that would never hurt me yet here we are.

I heard stories about getting your heart broken, the insatiable pain that never leaves and never gets better you just get used to it, thanks to time.

"Here drink some hot chocolate" my father suggested handing me the mug into my shaky hands while sitting down next to me and rubbing my back.

We stood like that for a good time, I kept crying into my parents lap while they comforted me. When I was out of tears to shed my mom helped me get into my room and told me to take a bath and get some sleep.

But how could I mom? How can I sleep? When all I can think about is him and this whole misery of a situation. How can I go to sleep with knives stabbing constantly my heart?

After showering, I left the shower and with the towel on my body I cleaned the foggy mirror. I looked to myself, I was a mess, a completely tragic mess.

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