1. An angel searches

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Demons and pain go together like candy and marshmallows.

Both are essentially the same thing, but also different. Pain is a feeling, demons are sentient beings. That's their only, and biggest difference. Otherwise, they both live within one another.

To angels, this is the first thing they learn about their immortal enemy. You won't find a demon without pain, and rarely do you find pain without a demon.

At fifteen years of angel age, an angel gets to touch a demon for the first time. It burns, it stings, it hurts and throbs. To merely touch a demon with their powers in active use, hurts the same as a leather belt smashed across your fingers. The teachings say that it is because angels are too pure for the dammed demons. In reality, it's rather that the two beings are so different, their powers have a hard time coexisting at the same time.

The demons thrive in pain, so for them it does not matter whether they touch an angel or not. Demons can't even feel the pain anymore. But for angels, it is an obstacle they must face when battling their enemy. The burning touch of an evil creature.

Tamera Serafina- Tangie for short, touched her first demon at the age of ten. Unlike the demons that the other angels got to touch, this one was not a prisoner of the heavens. Since then, she has always hated the sight of a demon, let alone the touch of one. Considering that... she might have chosen the wrong profession.

"Can't they let you rest for a single day? You just came back from the human world! How can they have the heart to send you back so soon?"

Tangie really does appreciate that she has a friend that is so passionate about her rest. That is what's so good about the heavens. People here have hearts, they care. They have virtue, responsibility and empathy. A combination of three values that build the beautiful realm where they live. In the fortieth formation, where she is housed together with her wing partner, Tangie enjoys a life of luxury whenever she isn't deployed in the human realm.

They have a lovely lounge area on the first floor of their pretty little white-stone house, a kitchen and small dining area, their own bedrooms with large balconies that let in the warm and soft breeze. A garden full of green plants and vegetables, and a river right outside their door, where boats float along and into the thirty-eighth formation, the closest harbour.

This small and peaceful formation is home to many people like her. Soldiers. Or maybe more accurately, those who guard the humans, and those who hunt the demons who live among the humans in the human world.

Because being an angel means being in a constant state of defensive war, and even soldiers like her need places to sleep and enjoy their lives, whenever they're not out on mission.

Tangie is 220 years old, but just because she is young, does not mean that she is reckless or naive. The archangels sending her out on another mission only one day after finishing her last one, is ironically, inhumane.

"Don't take it out on me, Hae. Send your complaints to the higher ups. I need to report to duty in less than an hour, so I'd really love it if you could let me go? Please?"

Standing in front of her bed full of pink silk sheets, Tangie stares at the hand of her best friend, which is actively holding her identification papers. Hael Dahlia is a young 190 year old angel, who really loves her and always has a hard time seeing her off to yet another mission. Hael, who is sweetly nicknamed 'Hae', is really unique. She's got bluish hair, long and pretty and wavy, with matching blue eyes and faintly turquoise blue freckles over her cheeks. Some angels are unique like that.

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