36. Two seconds of heaven

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"If only you knew the things I know about you."

Rain patters down on set. It's the last day of filming. Tensions are high, both actresses are fed up with each other and the ending has been rushed to a tragic place. A place where the two lovers find out each other's secrets and end up realising that their entire relationship has been built on lies, and others conspiracies. Hecate's eyes stare into her co-star's eyes. For once, her co-star seems to be acting well, the soft mask on her face hiding the subtle coldness behind her eyes.

Hecate lets the scoff that leaves her mouth hold an amount of uncertainty, to give off the impression that she isn't entirely too sure in herself. "Trust me, I know everything that there is to know about you."

Her co-star is firm when she shakes her head.

"No. No you don't."

Amanda, her character, wants Hecate's character to know that she is being serious about this. Throughout the entire movie, Hecate's character has been the one to hold secrets and betrayal. She was the evil one, the one who lied and the one who nearly killed the character Amanda. Their relationship has been a constant struggle only because of Hecate's character and her flaws.

But now, as the character Amanda will reveal, the whole picture will finally come into view. Hecate isn't the only one who's held onto secrets and who has betrayed her partner. Hecate makes sure to sound a little pressured when she utters out her line. "What do you mean?

"I'm not who you think I am."


"I'm an assassin. You were sent to kill me, because they knew I could fight you better and kill you instead. Then, my bosses wouldn't have to fear you anymore."

Hecate's character was the assassin from the beginning, who had been sent to kill Amanda, someone she thought was a rich heiress. But Amanda was never a rich heiress, she only posed as one. Her real job was to kill Hecate, an assassin who would only come out when sent on a mission. An assassin one would only be able to find if they were sent after you. Amanda had to kill her, but she knew that it would be deadly to kill Hecate's character immediately. So she waited. Gained her trust. Until eventually, she'd be able to do it safely.

Be able to take her life safely.

"That's not true." Hecate shakes her head almost violently, but there is a clear expression of horror growing on her face. This is the ultimate betrayal. The character who both the audience and Hecate's character thought was the victim, ends up being the one having an ulterior motive. It will explain the entire series. Watchers who asked the question: why would she stay with her? Will finally get their question answered. To kill her. That's why Amanda stayed. To kill her.

"I'm sorry." Amanda mutters. Her solemn and sincere words reflect on their relationship, which despite its difficulties was filled with love. But it is also a clear sign that her words are true, and just like that, Hecate's character's heart breaks in two.

Whether or not Amanda still wants to kill her is going to be left to the audiences to decide. The second season will most likely never be made, considering how much these co-stars hate each other. Hecate's co-star walks off set, leaving Hecate standing alone in the rain with tears running down her eyes.

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