30. Shut up and kiss me

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Tangie wishes she could stand up and run towards Hael, and tell her to stay. She watches the angel and the demon that she works for leave the dressing room, and refuses to turn around to face the two remaining supernaturals. Her entire body is buzzing with a strange, tingling feeling, and for a moment, Tangie thinks she might be experiencing nervousness.

Not regular old fear, but actual nervousness. Like a teenager worried about a social situation, and not an angel who's worked for over a hundred years as a soldier. The quietness in the room is remarkable. The clock ticks loudly on the wall above them. People walk around in the hallway outside, forming nothing but a quiet mumble that simmers in through the closed door. She gulps, and that too is loud enough to hear.

Then, suddenly, Hela is leaning over, and Tangie startles out of her mind.

"How about we talk about yesterday?"

Hela is close enough for their faces to be nearly touching. Tangie's eyes widen, and she backs away immediately, the flashbacks from last night catching up to her like fire on desert grass. It takes a few moments for her to answer, with her brain pretty much short circuiting. Her eyes move from Hela to Hecate, face slowly twisting into unbelieving, kind-of-startled anger.

"You told her?" Her question, which is directed at Hecate, seems germane. She did imply that their previous... engagement was a secret. Kind of. She alluded to it through the way that she was acting. Hecate shouldn't have told Hela. 

But then again, why wouldn't she? Why wouldn't Hecate, a demon, tell her demon girlfriend about what they did last night? Tangie's fierce gaze falters just as Hecate shrugs carelessly, a small smile hinting at her lips.

"Wasn't I supposed to?" She mocks lightly, and Tangie is just about to open her mouth to answer when Hela catches her attention by glaring at her intensely.

"What makes you two think you can keep things from me?"

Her question is calmer than usual, holding a dangerous connotation. Tangie doesn't know what to answer, for a moment. Her mouth runs dry as she stares back at the demon. It feels so weird. 

Two months ago she'd be ready to fight if a demon ever looked into her eyes like this. You look, you die. But now? Hela glaring at her doesn't feel threatening in the same way that it used to. That's weird. In a way that makes her crave it a little bit.

Tangie wonders, however, if the same old threatening eyes of the demon would return if they found out about her being an angel. A demon flirting with, or sleeping with a human isn't unheard of. Mazanin does it all the time, Tangie assumes. But a demon being with an angel? A demon flirting with an angel, in an actual, serious way? Tangie doesn't know. She feels guilty. Guilty for tricking them, even though she's here to kill them.


She's here to kill them.

Thinking about her original mission is like a hit in the face.

"It's none of your business."

Tangie finally settles on that, trying to sound as sure as she can. Her mental state is confusing, even to her. Sometimes she feels overly confident in doing bad things, and sometimes she feels so uncomfortable by her guilt that she can blatantly let the demons walk all over her. Neither of those two are good, but neither feel bad either. It's a strange mix of unknown emotions that just don't sit right, but also sit perfectly.

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