43. Fate

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Tangie can't think anymore. She looks up at Hecate and Hela, standing with her sword laying loosely in her grip. Her hands feel shaky, her voice is off. She can't think anymore, let alone process anything. The empty feeling of regret that punches her in the gut makes her feel so nauseous she might just puke. Not just regular puke, bloody puke. She wants to clean her insides out. But nothing can be done.

Swallowing thickly, the angel lets her sword disappear.

"Do you want to kill me?"

Her question echoes in the room. The demons are no longer dumbfounded or mean. Rather, they are quiet. Like they can feel what she feels. When Tangie looks at them, she feels another pang of jealousy join the nausea in the pit of her stomach. They stand next to each other, side by side, working like two rather than one and one. They are combined, their souls intertwined. They can stand together, they can fight together, they can be together.

Tangie can't.

"You're lucky to have each other."

She doesn't sound very happy when she says it, but nothing in her tone indicates a lie.

Before they know it, she's gone. Like she was never there in the first place.

Warm summer rain hits the window.

Although their house is usually bleached by the sun shining from above, this time it's cast in the light shadows of clouds and rainfall. It's not even evening yet, just the late afternoon. The apple trees outside are too many to count, and their leaves ruffle with the wind.

Tamera is curled up on the windowsill. Her mother and father are somewhere, doing something that she doesn't understand. They looked quite serious when they left, in full angel form. Here on earth one should never be in angel form, that's what they always tell her. In the heavens, where they really should be living, people never leave their angel forms. Tamera keeps an eye on the horizon, although the rain and mist covers most of it. When will they be back?

As long as she can remember, she's lived in this house. Deep among the apple trees of an old apple farm, making money through selling apples and learning everything about the world from watching her mother and father. She can't go to regular school, because it's too far away, and because she's not a regular child. She's an angel, not a human. She should be living and going to school in the angel realm, but she isn't. They should all be living there, but they aren't.

Her parents once said, the only thing of value that you have to remember, is that you should never become a soldier. Never go to that kind of school or those kinds of missions. Just stay a normal angel. Tamera understood why. Her parents were soldiers. That's why they were stuck here, in the human realm, chasing a demon that just wouldn't die. At some point she and her father moved here after her mother couldn't kill the demon. They've been here for years. Tamera doesn't even remember what the angel realm looks like.

Despite that, ignoring how lonely she sometimes feels, she hasn't had a bad childhood. Sometimes her mom and dad just disappear for a while and then they come back, either disappointed or badly hurt. They must be playing cat and dog with this demon. Tamera knows, deep inside, that every time they leave they risk death. She just wasn't expecting it to happen so soon.

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