45. Meeting on the brink of anew

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"She seemed pretty upset."

The air in their apartment is cold. Outside it's snowing, the winter already blowing into the city. Hela and Hecate don't really know what they are doing. They should've stopped Tangie from leaving, but they didn't. And now they are facing the consequences, standing in an empty apartment with their swords in hand, unable to make any kind of decision about what to do from now on.

Hela turns to the other demon, an annoyed look on her face.

"Well you just told her that her entire life has been a lie."

Hecate rolls her eyes. It's not like Hela tried to stop her. They both contributed to telling Tangie that her entire life has been a lie. It's not like they did it on purpose. "Did I lie though? I thought she knew."

Hecate kind of thought it was obvious, but maybe it's only obvious to her. Powerful demons like her are usually the kind of demons the archangels use for golden missions. Demons that are nearly impossible to kill. Those kinds of demons, demons like her, are easy to use as targets for angels like Tangie. Because if Tangie succeeds, that's still a huge win for the angel side. And if she dies, that's a win, too.

"Well obviously she didn't." Hela sighs. She kind of regrets her snappy attitude from earlier. A part of her still hates Tangie for all that she has done, but another part just can't see a world where she'd do anything different. They all know their duties. Tangie is terrible at keeping a poker face. It's obvious that she was doing her duty and kept messing up in the process of it. That she didn't mean to fool them as intimately as she did, but couldn't help it.

Hela can't help it either, she feels pity for the angel. Pity is not an emotion that demons usually feel, but right now, that's all she feels. Pity. Tangie is pretty impressive. She's strong and she has a sense of duty and righteousness. There is nothing wrong with her, nothing bad with her, she's just doing what she is supposed to and it seems like the entire world is against her for that. Hela can feel her anger simmering away.

"Now what?" Hecate says blankly, staring at the empty spot where Tangie was earlier. Slowly, her gaze moves over to the room at the very end of the corridor, where their portal is. She can't even remember where she placed their black orb. "We should leave, right?"

Hela snaps her head towards her, once again in disagreement.

"What? No! We're responsible for her."

Hecate looks back at her with an annoyed frown.

"How are we responsible for an angel?"

Hela doesn't know what to say. It just came out of her mouth before she could stop herself. It feels like they are responsible for her, because they are the ones who made her storm out of their apartment and they are the ones who started all of this by revealing her in the first place. Maybe they should've waited a while and thought it through. Would that have changed things? Hela isn't sure.

"Well... she got really upset and we can't know what she is going to do-" Hela trails off, but the more she thinks about it, the less her words make sense. Demons and angels are holy enemies. Of course they aren't responsible for her. She sighs, growing frustrated with herself. "You know what? It doesn't even matter. We can't leave unless she is dead. No, I refuse to leave. I'm not challenging our leader, if only one of us can replace him it's going to put a strain on our relationship and you know that."

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