26. Last straw

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Hecate doesn't even have time to put down her black bag and settle into the apartment before Tangie is scrambling out of the couch, pushing Hela aside. The demon falls to the floor, but she's too caught off guard to be mad about it, as Tangie rushes past Hecate with a quick, embarrassed 'hello', pushes her shoes to her feet, forgets all about the livestream she was supposed to monitor, and leaves through the glass doors without a second thought.

The equipment from her black bag remains there, on the floor, forgotten. Hecate tries to process the situation, the image of Hela hovering above Tangie like they're about to kiss still burned into her retina. The two demons both jump a little when they hear the glass doors slam shut after their manager, and they both don't dare to turn around before the elevator doors have closed. The apartment is dark and silent, as Hela avoids eye-contact.

It has been a restless evening, to say the least.

Hecate had just come back from yet another long day at a filming site, torturing her makeup-artist since Tangie wasn't around to watch her actions. It was fun, until her co-star began to act up again, screaming and yelling about Hecate being too close, or too far away, or having her hair wrong or having the wrong perfume. Anything, something, just all the things in the world to be angry about. Now she's back home, late in the evening, fuming in her own anger, only to find her fellow demon doing indecent things to their shared human manager.

Sighing with her shoulders slumping, Hecate breaks their silence and their stillness by throwing her bag to the floor and stretching her neck from side to side. Hela is still sitting on the floor in front of the couch, eyes wide, face slowly forming a frown and mouth screwed shut. Hecate waits for her to speak, moving to the couch with her phone in hand. She plops down, puts her feet up on the table and opens the nearest social media app she can find, scrolling through the latest posts from her fans.

She doesn't know how to feel, so she'll settle on not feeling anything at all. The ship edits of her and Hela on her feed are mind-numbing enough.

"It wasn't my intention." Hela finally says, sounding a little distant. Hecate glances at her, raising an eyebrow. She goes back to scrolling on her phone, mumbling out her sighed words. "So, almost kissing her wasn't your intention?"

She likes a photo of the two of them kissing, edited by the fans. It'll certainly make them all go crazy once they realise that she saw it, and then liked it, 'confirming it to be true'. The company will deny it as usual. Hecate continues to scroll.

Hela looks at her, but Hecate isn't meeting her gaze. She's quiet for a long while, almost as if her tongue is tied. The event from just moments before is playing in her head, over and over again like a broken record player. Tangie under her, her usual strict and cold eyes suddenly soft and wide with surprise and embarrassment. The way she smelled softly of rain and peach, probably her shampoo. The way they were staring at each other.

Hela frowns, shaking her head. She looks at Hecate, trying to make her understand.

"I was angry. She signed me up for a project without asking me first. I needed to do something."

She hears Hecate scoff, the other demon's eyes still set on her phone. Her tone is scolding, amused, and a little annoyed. "It's not like you're an incubus, Hela. How could your anger turn into a moment like that." She sounds almost disgusted at the end, but Hela recognises that tone in her voice. It's not disgust. It's more of an emotion of surprise, something Hecate makes when she doesn't know how to feel and doesn't really understand what just happened.

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