4. Provision

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Tangie holds her breath, trying not to look upset.

Something is wrong.

Something is really, really wrong.

She feels it in her entire body, spreading from where she was shot in the neck. Blood has stopped flowing from her wound but the pain has only gotten worse. Stars have swum in her vision the entire way back to her apartment, making her swing from one side to the other. These human cars driving by on the big road outside the agency nearly drove her over as she wobbled across the street. Something is terribly wrong.

Pulsing through her veins, it feels almost like poison. It could be poison, too, but Tangie doesn't recognise it. She has drunk and injected herself with all fifty six and five bonus substances that are used between angels and demons, in an act of chemical warfare. She, like all golden-might angels, is very well versed with the demons and their use of poison and curses. She carries a small bag of antidotes with her wherever she goes that should work against a majority of the most commonly demonic poisons. This... whatever is going on right now, it can't be one of them. No matter how hard she tries to rack her brain for an answer, Tangie does not recognise this substance.

She just doesn't.

And the more time that passes, the more painful it becomes. It feels almost like a fire is spreading inside of her, following the flow of her blood into one vein after the next.

Tangie has kept her composure all the way from the sixth floor of the agency building to her new apartment just a few streets away. Under normal circumstances, she would've taken an antidote to whatever poison hit her and she would've flown after whichever demons put it in her. But this time she does not have any known antidote, and does not dare to run after someone that could take advantage of her weird state and kill her.

Tangie scrambles to open the door to her apartment, fumbling with the key before finally managing to push the wooden slab outwards. Another wave of blinding pain hits her immediately, and she closes her eyes to hold back a scream of pain. If it doesn't subside in a matter of minutes, she might just go insane.

Pain tolerance training is a part of the angel soldier training, she's gone through every course and every lesson. But this is worse pain than she's ever experienced before. It's dull and aching at times, and then it's suddenly piercing and hot, burning her insides like it's slowly frying her guts open with small little paper cuts.

Tangie groans, holds onto her stomach and stumbles inside. Somehow she manages to click on the light, but fumbles in the darkness before she finds it.

This is hell.

There is no doubt it was a demon's doing.

And if a demon did this, that means they know she's here.

Tangie walks through her own front hallway and into the small living room. There, she rushes past the completely empty space and enters the kitchen, where she quickly opens the tap. Water flows out and gushes into the sink, spraying here and there. Nearly whimpering in pain at this point, Tangie can do nothing but splash some of that water onto her skin, hoping to ease some of the intense burning sensation.

Hopefully whatever she's been shot with isn't deadly.

The water does nothing to help, and the pain enters another stage of intensity. Tangie rushes out of the kitchen and back into her empty living room. Tears suddenly fill her eyes and she doesn't recognise herself in this state.

Never before has she been so upset at the sight of an empty, hollow apartment, than she is now. This is nowhere near as pretty as her own home. Tangie closes her eyes and tries to imagine it. Her own white walls, with those pretty curtains, the open balcony and a fresh green garden by the river. With her wingpartner standing over the kitchen aisle and cooking food, the smell of it wrapping her entire home in a warm hug. She tries to imagine it, but the pain rips her away from her fantasies and shoots her back down here, into this stupid apartment and stupid mission.

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