9. A slippery slope to hell

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"Aren't you going to thank me?"

Tangie stands in front of her instructor, hating that he's the only one who showed up for her graduation. Thirty years of constant suffering and training, and yet he is the only one here.

It is perfect symbolism, though.

The demons in the human realm have robbed her of the audience she would've had tonight, otherwise. Her family and friends. Therefore, she must return to the human realm to make them pay for what they have done. All of this suffering can't have been for nothing.

"I am thankful, sir"

Her trainer nods, a little surprised by her response. Tangie holds onto her graduation flowers, plain and an ugly yellow. The kind of flowers you get when a department has to get them for you, and not your family. It's all good, though. She's been scouted by the Archangel Appolyon, and she'll never have to see these prison-like walls, ever again.

The angels who haven't been in soldier training would never know what it's like. They would never be able to fully comprehend the long and white hallways of the training centre. The complaints bouncing off the walls, echoing from the small and cramped rooms. Every time it was something different. Training centre 5960 never had enough air conditioning, never enough nutritious food, never enough material. It was the same for all training centres. White paint chipped off the walls, but that was okay, because the paint had turned yellow in some parts and grey in others, ugly and hollow.

The classrooms were too hot in the summers and way too cold in the winters. They were forced to sit on harsh wooden chairs while some thousand year old teacher stood in front of them, preaching about the good old days. The clock on the wall always seemed to move slower than any other, but that was fine, because being in the classroom was the easiest part of the day. Tangie liked learning, too. Training was the hardest part.

The dusty training fields outside the block-shaped training centre were always covered in someone's blood. It hurt a lot if you fell. Small stones and sand would dirty fresh, open wounds. They'd make the trainees fight each other for training, especially as they got more advanced. Making friends was difficult when the trainers would make you punch anyone you talked to. Fighting outside training was strictly forbidden, but the side eyes and whispers, giggles and mean words were encouraged, even. The trainers believed, controversially, that it would build character.

Years on end it was the same schedule. Sleeping in the same creaking and small bunk bed. Watching the paint slowly chip from the walls. Eating the same disgusting food in the dirty and old cafeteria. Sharing one bathroom with like fifty other trainees. Having to get up in the middle of the night to shower, and still having to stand in line. Getting bullied some years, bullying others in other years. It was their source of entertainment. Tangie was never the bully, but she might have been bullied sometimes. She's never been good at noticing stuff like that.

Now that it's all over, she doesn't really know how to feel. It's been years since she last saw the outside world.

"I hope we never see each other again" Tangie says, her tone cold and eyes dull. Her trainer frowns.

"Because if I see you again-" Tangie continues, not a single change in her tone.

"I'll kill you"

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