16. Live on feelings

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Tangie can't help that her foot is bouncing up and down, a nervous look on her face. Is this what it feels like to count down the minutes to your death and eventual torture? Should she just end her own life now to avoid the torturous death they might give her instead? Should she wait it out, pretend to be dumb? Should she beg them with all that she's got? Forget her own values just to get on her knees and beg for her life? An angel doesn't do that, so it could work. They might get too caught off guard to kill her.

"Please notice me Mary I love you so much, aw thank you so much darling, I love you too"

Hela is sitting in front of her and a phone, a bright movie-star smile on her face as she reads the comments. The comments which are raining in furiously, one after another, nearly impossible for Tangie to read on her own phone. Hela, however, is completely natural. She shines in front of the camera and talks to her fans like they are here, and not like they are sitting in an empty company dressing room in the middle of the night, just her and Tangie.

"Mary is so hot, I agree"

And Hela knows exactly what to say and what to do to drive her fans wild. She leans back and draws a hand through her hair, gives them teasing stares and reads their comments with a confident flare and occasional, attractive laughter. With just a touch of narcissism, it's the perfect combination to drive her fans to do yet another compilation of "Mary's hottest moments" on any and all channels, as well as spam heart emojis and pictures of themselves in their underwear whenever they can.

But Tangie is a little too occupied by the ending of her life to think about Hela's natural charm in front of the camera. When Hela leans in closer to read yet another comment, a mischievous look in her eye, Tangie just can't stop thinking about the fact that she is going to die.

"Mary is hotter than Eve, That's a good one, I'll see if my management can get you free tickets for my next meet and greet"

Hela winks at the camera. Tangie thinks about the fact that the incubus who she happened to meet just a week ago was somehow present in Hela's and Hecate's home. She thinks about the fact that he recognised her immediately, and the fact that he activated his powers on purpose just to test her when they shook hands. What will he do about it? Tangie bites her lip in thought. Her foot keeps bouncing softly off the ground, not loud enough to make a sound, but a gesture big enough to be noticed.

He could've just said it, right then and there. 'This is the angel I met the other week, your manager is an angel who wants to kill you'. That's all he had to say, and she would've been dead in a heartbeat. (Unless, of course, they had wanted to torture her first, which is fully plausible and might still happen). He didn't, though. He didn't reveal her identity, even though his relationship with the other two demons seemed pretty friendly and relaxed. He's clearly on their side, so why didn't he just reveal it? Does she still have a chance?

Oh, it's childish to think that she still has a chance. That incubus must be there right now, talking with Hecate about everything he has seen and heard. He must be having a field trip right now, Hecate must be fuming in anger. She's probably going to burst in the moment this live ends and Hela will join her in the efforts as they end her life in the most gruesome way possible. Tangie shudders. She doesn't want to think about this now, even though she might not have a lot of time left.

No, she needs to be prepared. She needs to pretend like this isn't going to happen. She needs to play it off cool, just in case the incubus stays quiet. If she keeps being nervous like this, Hecate and Hela will grow suspicious anyway. She needs to keep calm. She can't give up. Tangie looks up at Hela again, fully determined to look as normal as possible. Hela's attention is on the comments.

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