29. The rage of protests

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"Eve ruined my life! Kick her out! Kick her out!"

"We demand justice!"

"GLITZ-X needs to listen!"

"Mary broke up my family!"

"Kick them out! Kick them out!"

Tangie walks past the group of protestors, a surprised look on her face. Dozens of humans stand outside the GLITZ-X building, holding up cardboard signs and shouting different things. Mary's and Eve's names are the most mentioned ones, but Tangie swears she can hear Mazanin's name too, coming from some angry young lady with fuzzy pink hair.

The crowd of protestors is trying to block the entrance to the building, but are effectively pushed aside by the company security guards. They are angry but their messages range from the smallest of things to the most wild accusations. Tangie doesn't know what to think as she passes by the commotion, trying to get to work on this early Thursday morning.

She hasn't slept much, which doesn't really help her overall mood. The crime she committed the day before has her feeling nauseous, nervous and a little guilty, feeling sorry even for Hecate. She's lied to everyone and to herself, so there really is nothing stopping her self hatred. Even after having meditated until three in the morning and slept until six, her mind is still haunted by the events of the day before.

The worst thing is, she doesn't even regret it. No matter how hard she tries she doesn't regret it. No, she would still do it all over again. She's that much of an asshole. She would sleep with a demon, who doesn't even know that she is an angel, committing a crime of morality and a crime of the law. Now, coming to work and seeing the rather small but loud protest targeted towards the person she literally just had sex with is confusing, to say the least.

She knows that she should be stressed, as their manager. Angry, as an angel. And yet somehow, she feels nothing but weird. She can't stop thinking and worrying about what they did last night. The protest means nothing to her. She should be on the human side, but really, she doesn't give a rats ass about them anymore. Her mind has started to revolve around Hela and Hecate. She lives and breathes them and their problems. She cares more and more about them and less and less about the angels and the humans. She's losing her morality and it's terrifying.

An angel of her power, without any proper morals. That is dangerous. Tangie knows that too. But the scariest part of that is that she doesn't care anymore.

So, it's with a wary mind that she ignores the protests and the curious media standing outside, and gives the security guards a quick nod before walking inside the building. Behind her, a car stops somewhere by the doors of the building, and suddenly the camera shutters, the protesters and the security guards grow a thousand times louder. Tangie turns around and looks through the window, curious. She sees Mazanin, the tall incubus, followed by Hael.

It's a sight to behold, for sure. Rather than being dressed in white and gold, Hael is dressed in black. A black hoodie with the company logo on it, a black cap, also with the logo on it, black pants and a black earpiece. The humans find her nearly as interesting as they do Mazanin, pushing the security guards forwards as the media take pictures and the protesters shout profanities and demands. Hael and Mazanin walk by completely unbothered, almost like the protesters aren't there.

Tangie can't help but think how Hael looks so at home there, her built body not very different from the other guards around her, her serious face looking incredibly professional. She almost wants to laugh. Why does it feel this way? She was way more unhappy to see Hael go to work in the angel realm than she is seeing her at work here.

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