10. Adventures of the trilogy

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"Oh. What bad timing you have"

All Tangie can think about is how when she gets home, she's going to aggressively make herself a salad while she thinks about every single possible way to kill these two.

Because she's hungry.

And because these two demons deserve every single criminal activity that she has in store for them.

Hela and Hecate are laying on the couch together, and Tangie is standing by the doorway. She can't believe her eyes, even though she should. They are staring, but not as harshly as she is. Staring at their faces, though, of course. Not on whatever is going on beneath their faces. You know. Their bodies. Which are below their faces. She's only staring at their faces.

"Yeah, little manager, you came back quite quick" Hela smiles at her from beneath Hecate, but her tone has an edge. Tangie turns around, facing the door and shielding her eyes. She can't tell if they are messing with her right now, or if they were actually caught by her and are getting angry. Either way, Tangie doesn't want to stay here any longer than she has to. She breathes in shakily and ignores the fallen bag of bread by her feet. She could leave, but that would make the next day too awkward. So, she'll stay until they say something.

She hears rustling behind her and a few whispered voices, but she can't make out what they are saying. Eventually one of them gets on their feet and she can hear whoever is walking towards her, but she keeps her mouth shut and eyes facing the glass door. In the angel realm, sex is a very private matter that is between two loving partners and nothing else. But as an angel soldier in the human realm, she has seen more than enough scarring material to make her well aware of the relations of this world.

Still, it's worse this time. Somehow it's worse.

If only she had her powers. Then, this situation would never have happened. She would never have allowed it to get this far. Never. She would never have had to see them half naked, doing whatever they were doing. Which she didn't see anyway, cause she didn't look at them. She didn't. She only saw their faces. You know, above their bodies. Their faces.

"Did we scare you?"

Tangie startles at the sound of Hela's voice. It's behind her, carefully sneaking towards her like it's trying to trick her somehow, lull her into a state of artificial calm. But for Tangie, it only makes her feel more on edge. She knows that Hela is a demon, and she knows that Hecate is a demon. Each and every word that leaves their mouths are planned and have a purpose, an evil intent that Tangie can't foresee. That's why she needs her powers. That's why she needs to be able to wield her sword and kill them before they can start manipulating her.

She shakes her head.

"No, sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"That's okay, we know you didn't" Hela coos out, putting a hand on her shoulder. Tangie tenses up, but the pain never comes. Thank goodness her powers aren't activated. Hela walks around her to face her, with her hand still on the angel's soldier. Tangie doesn't look up at her, somehow a little embarrassed. But Hela seems dressed enough, wearing a big, fitting t-shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants.

"It's okay, manager, look at me"

Tangie snaps her eyes up, really wanting to seem like that desperate, innocent manager who is just so excited, worried and new at the job. Which is a character that feels more real every time she plays it. Hela's eyes are warm, confident. She doesn't look angry at all. But somehow, somewhere behind her expression there is a hint of annoyance building up, something which Tangie has learned to spot after so many years working out on missions. It's unsettling, and has the opposite effect Hela was probably going for. Tangie becomes even more guarded.

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