40. Heartbreak

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"What the fuck is she doing here?"

Hela's eyes are set on Hael, the rather unfamiliar bodyguard of Mazanin standing at the entrance of the apartment with a fire burning in her eyes. Tangie closes her eyes in frustration. What else could go wrong today? Not only is she going to die, but so is Hael. As much as she has confidence in her younger friend, she doesn't think Hael will ever be able to beat both Hecate and Hela, both at once.

But that won't stop her from trying, though. Hael reveals what Hecate and Hela must've figured out by her presence alone in a matter of a second. Her wings, her scars and bruises and her overall angelic appearance. She is still pointing her sword at Hela, and by extension at Hecate, all of her desperation hidden by her determination to save Tangie, or die trying.

"If you want to kill her, you're going to have to get through me first."

Tangie sighs. She looks at Hecate, who is holding a sword against her throat, while still talking to Hael. "I failed to kill them, Hael. It is only natural that the price of failure is death."

Hela turns around to look at her. Tangie can't see her, but when she hears her voice, after several seconds of drawn out silence, she can hear the sound of heartbreak. "Angels really are more heartless than I thought. Was nothing that we did genuine to you?" Tangie takes it like a direct hit to the heart. She can barely breath, suddenly. Hela sounds heartbroken, all while she had expected the demon to sound cruel and merciless, and nothing else.

It tears her from the inside, but Tangie is backed into a corner. She forces herself to keep that cold look on her face, breathing out a: "You can determine that yourself.", while not even looking at Hecate anymore.

She knows that it's probably the worst thing she could've said, and in such a cruel tone, too. They sound like they are constantly trying to give her chances to explain herself, constantly trying to make into someone that she is not, trying to trick themselves into believing that she isn't as bad as she appears to be. That they are meant to be together, when they aren't. But Tangie can't lie to them. The truth is apparent no matter how they look at it. They are demons and she is an angel, an angel who needs to kill them and has failed, and an angel who has lied to them.

Just as she expected, the silence is deafening. When she finally dares to look back at Hecate, she looks even angrier than before. But not angry in an explosive way. Rather, she is angry in that monotonous, quiet way, that makes Tangie want to curl up on herself. She feels so pathetic. Powerless, caught, and somehow breaking hearts at the same time.

It's not all her fault. Actually most of this isn't her fault at all. But it still feels like it, and it still feels like she could mend this when she really, really can't. They make her feel like she can mend this, like she can fix this. But they all know that she can't. Deep inside they all know. The truth is out and they won't forgive her, even though they try to make it seem like they would if she could just be a little kinder, explain a little more, tell them that it's all a misunderstanding.

It's not a misunderstanding. She has lied to them, she is an angel, she needs to kill them and they have been fools all this time. And, of course, they can never be together.

After a long while of tense silence, Hecate suddenly lets her sword leave Tangie's throat.



Tangie sits up, not believing it. She stares up at Hecate. She can't believe it. What is going on? Hecate looks at her so coldly, Tangie feels frozen on the inside. She doesn't understand. Somehow, being told to leave is worse than being killed. Tangie feels like her heart has been ripped out. She doesn't know why she feels like that either. Hecate's brutally cold eyes just won't leave her.

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