14. Rollercoaster

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"Identification and documents please"

'Angels are pure, righteous and compassionate creatures who strive to never take a wrong step in any direction, ever. Even when faced with hard decisions, they know which direction to take. Even if it hurts them or their loved ones, even if the consequences are worse, an angel knows to follow the rules and stay righteous and pure. If an angel were to deny these rules and regulations, step away from the most righteous decision and walk on their own path, even if this path were for the greater good, this angel would not be an angel but a demon in disguise. For no angel breaks the law.

The laws are therefore only there to catch these misguided angels. They are not for the regular, pure-hearted and righteous angel. Laws of angels, paragraph 12'

"I forgot my identification, but I'm a soldier so you'll see it in the documents"

The guard looks up at Hael, raising his eyebrow. The angel doesn't break her cold expression, eyes set ahead and not on the guard. She is a soldier. This is how soldiers behave. Unsuspiciously. That's also how she reaches into her bag. Unsuspiciously, slowly, calmly, as if she totally had the right documents (and definitely not some old, stained exam papers she found crumpled up in her old school backpack while packing for this 'trip')

You might be wondering why she didn't bring her ID. While she doesnt' have the right documents to be able to pass through, since the archangel refused to give them to her, she does have an ID and always will. The thing is, she needs to be able to return without being arrested, fired or maybe even turned away from the angel realm. If they don't know who she is, they won't be able to arrest her.

There are about a fifty angels behind her, standing in one long cue. This is the only opening to the human realm, aside from another one that is only used by archangels and high officials and guests. Only soldiers and people on official duty in the human realm are allowed to use this opening. It's a large, white gate, that leads to nothing but a big hole in the ground that you are sucked into by the harsh pull from the dimension underneath. Then, the winds will catch you and you'll fall into a heap of clouds, after which you will soon start to see the ground of the human realm. Angels have to fly down, and only angels on official duty are allowed to fly down at all. That's why, despite there being millions and millions of angels in the angel realm, only fifty are standing here right now, waiting for their security check.

Around them is a large building with a glass ceiling and white stone walls, having been used since four centuries ago. The opening to the human realm is at the very end of the building, after a lot of cueing spots, security checks and finally, the documents check right at the very gate. This is where Hael is. She has already gotten this far, simply by having a lot of experience, and being good at lying.

"Alright let me see them, then"

Hael nods and drags them out of her backpack, slowly handing them to the guard. He snatches it out of her hands, eyes squinted at her suspiciously. Hael doesn't look at him. Her hands close into fists, but she tries to keep her composure. She sees in the corner of her eye how a wrinkle of disgust and anger appears on the guard's forehead. His eyes move over to Hael, and then back to the paper, looking even angrier. Hael looks at the gate, and only at the gate. Just one step forwards and she'd be able to run through. It's easy since nobody has done it before. The security is lax. All she needs is one single distraction.

"These are exam-"


A distraction which she already fixed for herself. Hael smiles, looking back at the person screaming, and seeing her former classmate with fake blood all over her stomach. This is going to be so easy.

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