7. Thinking of home

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"Well, I'm looking forward to working with you, Miss Shepherd. You are certainly a good fit for this position"

Tangie stands up to meet the demon halfway, shaking her hand. After a long and gruesome interview with Hela and Hecate, it's finally over. She had no idea that she still had to pass some kind of interview with them, too, but Tangie is level headed and knew how to make it through with flying colours. Hecate's hand feels normal and Tangie breathes out in relief. She can't handle any more of that demonic pain, she's already on the edge as it is.

Tangie sits back down once they are finished. She smiles, albeit awkwardly, trying to think of something a human would say in a situation like this one.

"Well, we have quite a busy schedule tomorrow, Eve. But today seems kind of empty. Is there anything you would want me to do for you?"

Hecate looks over at Hela, who shrugs in return. Tangie keeps a smile on her face. She really wants to go home now. Hopefully they'll have nothing left for her to do. Today can't be the day she kills them. She hasn't found the right opportunity yet, nor has she gotten the chance to assess their strengths and weaknesses. On one hand, it's easier to kill them the sooner she does it, because they could figure her out if she pretends to be human for too long. But on the other hand, Tangie knows how dangerous it is to attack someone who she knows little to absolutely nothing about.

Hecate looks back at her and Tangie lights up a little. She's already expecting her to say something along the lines of 'go home, we'll see you fresh and early tomorrow'. She can't wait to leave these demons and curse them out in her sleep, from the comforting silence of her new human apartment. Work is so exhausting.

"Why don't you go get us some bread"

Tangie's hopes crash down so quickly, she can't even hide the sudden frown on her face.


Both she and Hela look a little confused at Hecate's remark, but Tangie is definitely the one who is more bewildered. Why would she get them bread? And in this storm, really? It's pouring outside! Tangie wants to slam her head against the wall. Judging by the polite smile on Hecate's face, she quickly realises that this is one of the demon's little tricks. Her first small jab at Tangie, her first way of making her life a living hell. It starts off small, like asking someone to get bread in the pouring rain for absolutely no sane reason, and then it gets worse from there.

Hecate nods. "Yeah, from the new bakery down the street. We can't go out like that, since we'll get recognised. It shouldn't take longer than a minute or two"

Tangie thinks about saying no, for a second. She could just stand up, leave and then go to the gates of heaven, beg them to let her in despite not having finished her mission. Her eye twitches at the thought. But it deflates as quickly as it appeared, because Tangie's discipline sets in.

She's being too childish. This is what she trained for. Suffering, killing and then eventually, dying. Being inconvenienced by a demon is nothing compared to the training and missions she has went through up until this point. With a deep breath, Tangie nods with a smile on her face, and gets up from her chair.

"I'll get that for you, of course. Is there anything special you want or-"

"Just bread, Tangie. Get us bread"

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