47. Stubborn angel

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"Calm down."

Tangie stares into his eyes, her tired expression hiding the aura of an angel. The dog, who unlike humans can recognise who she is, cowers immediately. It lays down on the table and whines lowly, but doesn't put up a fuss otherwise. Tangie nods proudly, her eyes softening. She stands up straight and gives an amazed Cecil a bright, amused smile. Cecil shakes his head, his amazement melting into laughter.

"I don't know how you manage to do that every time."

Tangie shrugs, watching as he leans down to the dog and gives him a shot. The dog barley yelps, despite having been so unruly these past few weeks. With Tangie's hand on his back, he feels calm and under control. Cecil finishes the shot and sighs in relief, putting the old syringe in the trash and taking off his plastic gloves, his doctor chair rolling over the soft, plastic floors. "There we go. He should be feeling much better soon."

The vet's office is definitely one of the brightest and happiest places in the village. Especially in the summer, Tangie has come to realise. The interior is a mix of pastel green and white, with beautiful old tiles mixed with other kinds of oldish furniture, and some modern equipment. There is an old kitchen island in pastel green in the middle of the room, with cupboards in a similar colour along the walls. To their left, there is a door leading to the village road, and to the front and back there are beautiful windows with pretty curtains, both windows open to let the warm summer breeze inside. It also brings in a lot of natural light, rendering any artificial light useless.

Tangie lets Cecil take the dog into his hands and put him back in its box, where there is a mountain of soft blankets for it to lay on. The dog looks a little sour, turning away from him and going to sleep. Cecil shakes his head again with a sigh, but he can't help the adoring smile that comes over his face. As a vet, it's natural that he loves animals. Animals just don't seem to like him very much, just like how kids don't like doctors. It's all in the needles.

Cecil turns back to Tangie, standing up from his chair. "I'm sorry for calling you in again, I know you must be busy. The animals just listen to you better. Especially that little guy."

Cecil is the vet of their village and all the nearby villages. Usually his job consists of meeting animals on the farms in other villages, because there aren't many farm animals in this fruit grove. But Cecil himself prefers smaller animals and has settled into this village with his sister and nephew. He is the best vet in the area, but he's still young. Sometimes he meets animals, like this dog, who don't want to listen no matter what. Tangie has found herself to have a special talent in calming them down. A talent more commonly known as being an angel.

Cecil, on the other hand, naively believes that she is simply that good with dogs. They found this six month old puppy on the road between their village and the next, and Cecil has been nursing him back to health ever since. The dog and him have a love hate relationship, according to Tangie's observation. She doesn't mind calming the dog down once in a while. Cecil is a good friend, and he always calls her to help when she's been alone in her grove for far too long.

"If it gets me off the farm, I should be thankful." She shrugs. Cecil frowns in disagreement. "No, I'm the one who's thankful. Before you came here I've only been able to hang out with Des from down the road. All other people my age moved out years ago."

The village really does have an absence of young people, apart from Des and Cecil. They're best friends, but considering that they are alone in this village, Tangie isn't surprised by the amount they argue sometimes. If only Cecil knew that she isn't as young as he thinks. Tangie glances at him as he turns his back to her. "That's life, I guess."

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