17. Dumb narration

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"I'll give it to you frankly, Miss Shepherd."

Tangie nods with a calm smile, looking at the two serious people in front of her. The clock on the wall is ticking loudly. It's two minutes past four pm. Hela and Hecate are staring at her from every corner of the room, somehow being in every painting and every picture around the CEO. The angel has never been here before, but she can only guess that this is definitely the demons doing.

"You have really disappointed me and your head manager. And I mean really, really disappointed us."

In front of her is not only the head manager who hired her just about a week ago, but also the CEO of the whole GLITZ-X company. He looks ridiculous, even more than humans usually do. His heart shaped glasses really make it difficult for Tangie to take him seriously. But she's a trained angel, so laughing is basically impossible anyway. She can only smile and nod while they tell her how much of a failure she is. (For whatever reason).

The head manager looks at her in the same way a disappointed mother would. If only she knew how much older Tangie really is.

"Under normal circumstances, you'd be fired. Being called up to the CEO's office usually entails that for normal employees."

Under normal circumstances? Like, for other managers that aren't managing artists like Hela and Hecate? Tangie understands immediately. They are mad at her for something, but they won't fire her for it because they can't lose her. Instead they'll just scare her a little, scold her a little. Tangie can take that. She's gotten much, much worse from her superiors up in the angel realm, let alone her teachers in school. This is child's play.

She's sitting kind of like a human would in this situation. Her hands in her lap, a respectable outfit on, her eyes sometimes looking away from her superiors to radiate nervousness and a nod at every single word that leaves their mouths. They are sitting in front of her on a white leather couch, having called her here yesterday through a text. Tangie hasn't even told Hela or Hecate that she'll be here. They don't seem to care what she does whenever she isn't with them. That's a huge relief.

"You've messed up, probably worse than any of their other managers." The CEO says, sounding all stressed. Tangie sighs. This is kind of getting on her nerves now. Can't they just tell her what she's done wrong? Is it that difficult? Is she supposed to know that already? Would it be weird to ask? Would it make her seem stupid, or worse, would it make her seem like an angel rather than a human? A supernatural creature who isn't supposed to be here? Well, there is only one way to find out. She smiles hesitantly.

"I'm really sorry but, what for?"

The CEO and the head manager look at each other, eyes wide. Then they look back at her. They seem almost offended by her question. It must mean it was a stupid question, then. Oh well. You win, some you lose some. The head manager looks at her seriously, but not quite believing it. "Do you- Do you still not understand the situation that you have caused?"

Tangie shakes her head, slowly and hesitantly, hoping that it won't make them any more angry than they already are. The CEO rolls his eyes and sighs, a wrinkle forming on his forehead. He leans forwards.

"Look here. Not only did you manage to end the sponsorship contract between Mary and Fresh Lemon, which was already bad enough. You also managed to anger their parent company Fresh and Co. To the point where they are threatening a lawsuit over this. A fucking lawsuit!"

Oh. That.

Tangie raises an eyebrow.


She's honestly getting reprimanded for... this? She hadn't even thought of that as a possibility. Hela decided not to sign a contract with them like... just a few days ago. It seems like the company that she decided not to continue working with spent a lot of time stirring up trouble over the weekend, perhaps as some sort of revenge, or desperate attempt to get Hela back on board. Well, knowing her, and knowing that she's a demon, Hela will never agree to that. And why is Tangie getting blamed for this? She might be Hela's manager, but everybody knows that she holds no power against her. Especially the CEO.

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