31. Face-hitting truth

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Tangie has never been more conflicted.

She's crossed the line. She's walked well beyond the line. It feels like the line doesn't even exist anymore. She's thrown away everything that she's worked for, every single little thing. All those hours of self destruction, bloodshed and sweat have amounted to nothing today. Absolutely nothing.

You know that moment when you realise how fragile your own reality is? Tangie realised that a few weeks ago. For the past one hundred years she's worked for this purpose, killed for this purpose and lived for this purpose. But the purpose required her to act a certain way, live a certain way. She had to serve the angels, her own kind, and their goals. That's what she's lived for and that's how she justified her service and her suffering.

But then she just... decided to throw all of that away. In one second. Give in to those manipulative, stupid demonic desires. She threw away the morals of an angel, and suddenly her life completely lost its meaning. The purpose that she's been working for is gone, as if burned and turned to smoke.

It's too much of a shock for her to handle. Sleeping with one demon, one time, that can be classed as a mistake. It could be classed as something she had to do to complete her mission. Or a safety thing. But being with two demons, sleeping with a demon twice? That's not- that's not a mistake. That's a reality, a real thing, that's- that's her consciously giving everything up, everything that she's worked for. And for what? Fifteen minutes of lust?

"What's that protest about anyway?"

So, she can do nothing but pretend. Pretend like it doesn't eat at her from the inside, pretend to be fine and lean back against the waiting room couch, a relaxed expression on her face. Unlike her head, her body is completely calm. She feels more relaxed on the outside than she's done in years. Her gaze is set on Hela, and the demon glances back at her, putting on her shirt. There is a small smirk of a smile on Hela's face.

"I don't know."

Tangie sits up a little, a small, slightly amused but mostly confused look on her face.

"How can you not know?"

Hela shrugs. Hecate sighs from the other couch, where she's laid down with her arm over her eyes, exhausted and still half naked. "They always protest about the same things. Old coworkers or people who knew us claim we've ruined their lives. I don't know what sparked it this time, though." She sounds bored when she speaks, as if it is of no importance to either of them. Hela chuckles at the other demon's statement, nodding her head while buttoning up her pants.

"Last time it was an anonymous post to some social media platform, claiming that Eve had punched him in the face on the set of the movie she was promoting at the time." She stops her sentence to glance at Hecate, making a thinking face. "What was it, Our Last Days of Sweetness?" Hecate nods at the mention of the movie. "Yeah."

Tangie tries to imagine it. Them, together, at least two years of working as actresses before she came into the picture. Terrorising humans, growing in popularity and gaining millions of supportive fans despite their questionable choices and behaviour. She wonders, for a moment, why they are actually here. Is it only for some kind of mission, or is it because they actually like being in the human world? Do they have a passion for acting?

She tries to imagine Hecate, standing in front of a human and punching him in the face. It's hard. Usually she'd immediately assume the worst in a demon. Of course she punched him, is what she'd say. But Tangie doesn't know anymore. She can't imagine Hecate doing that without a good reason. She can't really imagine her doing that at all. Her voice sounds oddly naive, even to herself, when she asks her question.

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