24. A demon's threats

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Tangie breathes in deeply, staring right up into the demon's eyes. Outside the clouds are dark enough to cover the whole city in a large shadow. And right by her is Hela, anger dripping off her tone.

"Do you have something to tell me?"

The demon's voice is calm, slow, perfectly smooth. But Tangie knows that she isn't calm, because her activated powers are speaking volumes. And despite that. Despite the fact that she should take the demon's hidden, subtle anger seriously and fear (perhaps for her life), all Tangie feels is angry. Angry, annoyed, tired at being constantly at the mercy of these demons despite having been so strong and undefeated for her whole entire life before this.

So, she can't help the snappiness in her tone, or the way she glares back at the already angry demon.

"Look, Mary, I'm sorry about whatever I did but I'm really not in the mood for this today."

She makes a swift attempt at getting up, pulling her arm out of Hela's grip. But her plan quickly backfires by the scowl on Hela's face, as the demon pulls her back completely.

She falls, this time not being able to catch herself as her back lands against the cushions of the couch. Tangie breathes out, her eyes wide again and lungs unable to catch all the air that she needs. Hela is suddenly above her, one hand on the couch, one holding Tangie's arm up above her head and pinned to the cushion.

Hela leans forwards, not as close as last time, but still close enough. She tilts her head, slowly, eyes flashing in red. "Do you know what I usually do to people who don't listen to me?" She mumbles, her tone giving away some of her anger. It is a stark contrast to the laughter and the amused glances that she was giving Tangie earlier, scaring the angel with the fact that she was angry all along, just biding her time and waiting to catch her in the right moment.

"I can be pretty nasty when I want to be." She continues, very quiet but somehow so loud in the otherwise completely silent and empty penthouse apartment. Tangie breathes out, a small frown on her face and worry settling in her chest, as she is pinned down by the demon in front of her. She thinks about all the things Hela has probably done in the past. She doesn't doubt for one moment, that the demon can be way nastier than she has ever been around Tangie before.

"-But for some reason I don't want to be that kind of nasty towards you."

The demon's final whisper cuts through the silence like a knife, sending shocks of confusion through Tangie's body. What? What does that mean? She presses herself into the couch to get away from the demon, a big frown on her face. "What are you talking about?"

Hela sighs, looking like she too is thinking about something. Then, she focuses all of her attention on the angel in front of her, staring so deeply into her eyes that Tangie fears she can see right through her. See the golden rings that are hidden in her irises, or the angel blood in her body. It feels like the demon is reading her like a book. Still angry, but somehow more calculated.

"Eve told you not to handle things on your own, didn't she? She told you to do things our way, to always ask us before moving a finger." Hela drawls, a spiteful, disgusted tone to her voice. She sighs, disappointed, while Tangie begins to understand why she is so angry, with dread building up in her stomach. "And yet, you went ahead and got me that movie deal, without even hinting at it. Not even once. Completely and utterly behind my back."

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