42. A word of truth

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Tangie can feel nothing. It's a blessed state of mind to be in. Staring into the eyes of a demon, finally, just as unaffected as in the past. Seeing nothing but their dark souls behind their empty eyes. Seeing nothing but her duty, and fearing nothing but the shame and trouble her own failure could bring.

Hela is the first one who settles from her shock, into an expression of disgust. She scoffs, looking Tangie up and down. The angel has drawn her sword, and revealed her true angelic appearance. Although not much of it is as angelic as one would think. Scars all over her body, including an especially thin but long one that stretches across her left cheek.

She holds her sword in a way only one with years and years of experience would. Nothing about her body is tense, and yet somehow she looks like she could avoid an attack even if it came at lightning speed. In short, she is much different from how she used to be. The look in her eyes is the most drastically different part, though. There is not a hint of love or regret in them. Not a hint of emotion at all, in fact. Just like how she should be. Just like how they should be. Emotionless, numb to such earthy feelings, after hundreds of years of living.

Hela isn't happy with this new change, though. And as much as they claim to be numb to emotion, they often lead by it.

"You dare show your face in front of us again." She spits out, drawing her sword from seemingly thin air.

In a blink of an eye her appearance has changed, too. Just like how the angel has a golden halo around herself, the demon glows in black. The colour of Wrath. It's invisible, and yet it is so obvious as it surrounds her entire being. Her eyes glow in red, in front of a background of an empty and somehow inviting black colour. Tangie stares at the familiar sight of a demon. This is the kind of demon she can recognise. The kind she usually kills. She flips the sword around in her hold, once and shrugs.

"I promised I would return."

"You don't seem to be very powerless anymore." Hecate suddenly remarks, eyeing her without any expression of significance on her face. Tangie's aura is completely different now, it's true. Even though her height and build were always kind of magnificent, similar to that of a powerful angel, she still seemed so human and weak. But now, although subtle, her power can be sensed in the air. Her eyes shine with gold. Her sword is heavy, and yet looks as light as a feather in her hold. She is no longer a weak human.

"I have restored my honour."

Hecate bites her tongue with her fang, and it draws blood. She said that the only reason she showed Tangie mercy was because of her weakness. That is a thing of the past now, it seems. She needs to reevaluate her position.

Revealing her true nature, Hecate draws her sword. She stretches her neck from side to side, taking her time. Then, she flips the sword around in her head to get it into a better position, and sighs. Her eyes glow in red. "What a shame. I only showed you mercy because of your weakness." Her half mocking, half warning tone makes Tangie roll her eyes. Despite standing one against two, she doesn't look frightened.

"I do not wish for your mercy."

"You won't get it either."

As if moving with the wind, Hela is suddenly in front of Tangie. She would've sliced through her in a matter of a second, but Tangie is calm when she blocks the attack. She turns her sword to the side and meets Hela's sword, then twists it again when Hela quickly adjusts her position to get her from a different angle. Tangie strikes back by lifting her sword away from Hela's. Hela's strength is almost too much for her to handle, but she manages to push her away anyway.

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