32. Girlfriend or bodyguard

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"What should we do?"

Mazanin is surprised that he managed to run past all the protesters in front of the building. Usually they like to follow him to his car, try to chase the vehicle as it speeds down the street and follow him to his apartment. He'd call them sick, but the demon can't really blame those poor humans. Some of them really did suffer. It's just that, well, Mazanin doesn't really care. He's pretty sure Hecate and Hela only do the worst things to people who deserve it.

This time, to avoid an unnecessary car-chase, he pulled a Hela and Hecate move and had a taxi waiting for him a few houses down the street. They snuck out of the back door and took the taxi downtown. While he was running towards the car, Hael didn't seem to be in a hurry. She only followed him out of obligation and it was clear that she wouldn't have minded letting him be caught by those protesters.

Hael is like that. She sleeps in his guest room, as he'd rather keep an enemy angel close than far away, but opens her door unless they're heading out for work. When they do leave, however, she's got a bright twinkle in her eye, and is always ready by the time he's barely gotten out of bed. Mazanin guesses that she likes the new job. He doesn't know how to feel about that. Ideally he should be making her life difficult. Realistically, he doesn't really want to.

It's daytime already. People are moving about in the city as normal. The cars are loud, the streets are filled with dust and the sky is fogged up by a strange, greyish cloud that always looms above their heads. It's been half an hour since they left the CEO's office and were told to take the day off. Mazanin doesn't know what to do with all his free time. All he does know is that his stomach is gurgling like there is no tomorrow.

He turns around to face his bodyguard, who is always a few steps behind him. She's dressed in all black today, a stark difference from the white clothes that angels always wear. She hasn't worn white since she started working for him. He tilts his head. "Do you know any restaurants in the city?

Hael looks at him like he's the most stupid person in the world, just one twitch away from rolling her eyes.

"No? I just got here?"

And they are beautiful, her eyes. Sharp but wide and glimmering, with clear patterns within them. Her blue hair certainly enhances the blue colour of her irises, too. 

Mazanin doesn't care about looks as much as other incubi. He's more about ambition. He didn't get this high of a position and this much freedom by following the beauty of this world. But every now and then, his eyes land on something specific. And without understanding it, he grows attached.

"I'm hungry." He states with a sigh, turning around to continue walking down the street. They're only a few blocks away from his apartment complex, but Mazanin is pretty sure his fridge has one can of store-bought iced coffee and five bottles of water in it, not much else. They'll have to get food somewhere else. Certainly, the angel must be hungry too.

He can hear Hael scoff behind him.

"I thought demons didn't eat."

Mazanin can't help but huff out a small grin. Demons don't eat? Is that something angels teach their children in the heavens?

It would certainly be convenient to not feel hunger. But demons feel two types of hunger. One for power, from whatever source it may be, and one for sustenance. Each one makes up an equal half. Incubi have their own way of satisfying that special half, and Mazanin assumes that's what Hael was implying. He turns around while walking, giving her a small smirk. "I usually eat something a little different, it's true. But I haven't been able to, for a while."

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