33. Two worlds

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Warmth is the first thing she feels.

Hecate opens her eyes calmly, to a dark and rather miserable sight. Her office, a large room carved into the walls of the deep black stone caves of the underworld, stained with red.

She had spent weeks decorating her office when she and Hela first moved in here. A beautiful desk, facing an opening in the wall to the pits of hell, where the screams could be heard ever so clearly. Hela had a similar design to her own office. They built them together. A small portrait on the wall of her and Hela together, hanging by the door. A smaller desk in the corner, hidden away by an old wooden bookshelf from the human world, where her secretary would sit quietly and receive messages from other demons in their field.

Hecate can still remember all the days she spent here. It was fun, to be sure. A little boring, sometimes, since field work had always been her dream and her favourite thing in life. But working in an office, close to Hela, exercising a little bit of power over her subordinates every now and then, messing with her superior Wrath Acheron- it wasn't bad either. She has fun memories of this place. And that is precisely why the sight of the walls splattered with wine-red blood is an eyesore to behold.

"Hecate, Hela- you have returned." Her secretary, and Hela's secretary, stand in her office, looking like deer caught in headlights. Each one with a mop in one hand, sponge in the other. They cast their eyes downwards and greet their superiors with a whole lot of fear. Hecate is pretty sure that they love the fact that she and Hela are always gone. She swears she saw her own secretary's eyes light up the day she told her about it, but the secretary in question would swear on her life that it's not true.

Hecate is quick to roll her eyes, looking through the room with a disgusted expression growing on her face. "Indeed" She sighs, her voice sharp with sarcasm. "This place looks like a dump. Decided to have a little fun in my office?"

Her bookshelf is stained with blood, and so is her very expensive stone table. The carpet, which she got from the human world several years back, is probably stained to the point of no return. Not to mention the walls, splattered nearly all the way to the ceiling. Mazanin and Hela look around the place, each of them looking a little more amused than Hecate could ever be about the situation. Hela puts a hand on Hecate's shoulder and smiles.

"Relax darling, it's only a little blood. I'm sure they have a good excuse." She turns to her own secretary, face still smiling but eyes telling a different story, a sense of danger to her tone. "Don't you?"

"It splashed up, from- well from down there." The secretary is quick to blabber out, gesturing at the open wall to their right, where the screams of hell bounce up and echo over the walls in the office. Mazanin makes a grimace, shaking his head. "Yeah, fuck that's loud. Not used to that." The rest know to ignore him. Working in the department of Lust is different from working for Wrath. The secretaries glance at each other, and then back at Hela and Hecate.

"You've been gone for a while."

Hecate raises an eyebrow, not liking the hostile attitude in her own secretary's sudden statement. "Did I give you permission to speak?" The secretary looks down, shaking her head. But the twinkle of disobedience is still as clear as day in her eyes. "No, ma'am."

Hecate throws her hands in the air, sighing while mumbling to herself. "Literally what did I just say..." Ignoring her, Hela pushes past Hecate with a more serious look in her eye. Their secretaries are right and they all know it. They've been gone for a really long time. This is still their home, and the place they work for, and have to report back to. She singles out her own secretary.

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