23. Climbing up

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Tangie gets up from her position on the couch and leaps towards the younger angel, crouching down on the floor and looking right into her eyes. Mazanin is in the other room, talking lowly on the phone. "Why are you here?" Her voice comes out a little louder than intended, but she just can't help it. Panic is laced in her tone. Why is Hael here? Why, out of all people, is Hael here?

"You know why." Hael mutters, a frown on her face. Tangie shakes her head, getting angrier. "This isn't normal, Hael. Even if you think I might have died, it's not your place to get involved." She knows that Hael must've gone crazy with worry over the past few weeks, but that is not an excuse for all of this. Tangie can't help the anger in her eyes. "Not to mention the fact that this is a golden might mission." Hael being here changes everything. Not only does it make her mission even more difficult than it was before, but it also puts Hael in serious danger. Even if Mazanin isn't planning on killing her.

Hael looks angry too, staring right into Tangie's eyes. "I don't care about what's normal. I'm the only one looking out for you and you are the only one looking out for me. I'm not going to live up there without you."

Tangie tries her best to look stern.


Hael is right. If this happened to her, Tangie would do whatever it takes to save her. But it's different when it comes to her. Tangie is older, more experienced, much stronger and so, her missions are on a completely different level. Tangie saving Hael would be easy. The other way around? Not so much.

"No, I'm serious." Hael says, shaking her head. She is determined, and reckless, just like most angel soldiers her age. And although Tangie has found it to be a good trait when working with angels Hael's age, now, she finds it to be the worst trait ever. She tries to level her anger and her dread and her worry, with a mantra that she repeats to herself whenever her thoughts become too dark and rebellious. "Hael, the heavens look out for us. We serve the angel realm. That is where the loyalty and the heart of a soldier lies."

But once again, Hael shakes her head like the determined, stubborn soldier that she is.

"I don't know. I don't care."

Tangie sighs. In a way, she knows that Hael is right. There is a sense of relief inside of her, past all the shock, anger and worry that she feels. She thought that she was done for. That she'd never get to meet an angel again, let alone Hael. But now she is here, with Hael right in front of her, and she can't help but feel a little more determined and hopeful than she did when she first walked in here, ready to die in Mazanin's hands.

"Well, now that we are in this situation, we will just have to make the best of it." She sighs out, staring right into the younger soldier's eyes.

Hael is still an angel, an angel who's powers she is allowed to keep. With Hael here, things could change for the better. Either, she'll end up getting caught thanks to Hael's recklessness, and then end up dying, Or, she'll be able to use Hael and her powers, save herself and the younger angel, and actually return to the heavens with three dead demons left behind them. This could potentially be a good thing. Or at least, that's what she tells herself, so that she can stop herself from yelling at Hael.

"What's the plan?" Hael whispers out, determined. She came here, ready to save Tangie. It's not surprising in the least to see her so ready to fight, even as she is tied up, having just been told that she is about to become a blackmailed, helpless assistant to a demon. An incubus demon, even, to make matters worse. Tangie bites her lip, thinking about it. Before she can come up with a good plan, she needs to come up with a safe plan. Something to get them by long enough for an opportunity to pass by. An opportunity to kill their targets.

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