25. A monday morning

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"Get in, we have to get you changed before nine."

Hael watches Mazanin's manager open the door for him, and Mazanin pays him little attention as he gets inside the large building. It's her first day at work. Her first day pretending to be a human. And she hasn't slept a wink since last night, so things aren't going very great.

It's weird.

Everything feels weird.

She can't believe that she's here. In the human realm, on almost completely non-violent terms. For a soldier, this is weird. Even for a non-soldier angel, this would be weird. The manager gestures at her to get inside, and Hael nods quickly and rushes after the demon. It's weird, but she has to put through with it. For Tangie. She went here because of Tangie, and so she's going to put through with it for Tangie, and end it for Tangie.

Hael glances back at an odd man dressed in black that steps out of his car, in the opposite parking lot, right before she is ushered inside the building.

The morning sun shines through the windows of the building, lighting up the corridors with a nice, bright feeling. It's an old factory building that has been transformed into a high tech filming site, and is currently the location pf Mazanin's new movie. Or, well, it's not his movie, but the point still stands.

Hael has never been to a filming site before, let alone this high tech one. Still, she walks behind Mazanin with a certain amount of grumpiness, not at all in awe of anything. It's hard to be in awe of stuff when it's her first day on the job. A job that was forced upon her by a demon, might she add. On the other side, Mazanin is beaming. His face is twisted into a handsome grin, and he practically radiates charming, positive energy that has all the other staff around him staring in amazement.

"Good morning sir." A staff member greets him, a smile on his face. Mazanin greets him with a nod.

Hael focuses her attention to the side, ignoring Mazanin's popularity among his staff. There is a man walking next to her, a stressed look on his face and bags under his eyes. He seems a little older than Mazanin's and Hael's perceived age, perhaps in his mid-thirties. His face is covered by his large round glasses and the hair that falls over his forehead. He notices her looking, and sighs. "I'm Mazanin's manager Archie. I'll be the one giving you tasks throughout the day."

Hael forces a small smile to her face, and nods respectfully.

"It's nice to meet you, sir. I'm Hael."

"So I've heard." He mutters. Hael wonders what that means.

As they walk through the long grey corridor, dozens of people pass by and greet them. Or more specifically, Mazanin. When it comes to Hael, they only eye her weirdly, confused about who she is and why she's here.

Hael would be offended, but she can't possibly be. She does look a little strange. Her hair is such an unusual blue colour, but it looks real because it is real. She is tall and well built, just like Mazanin, and wears a frown on her face. The face of a true soldier. All in all, her aura is nothing short of the most confident person in the room, despite the situation that she's in. The only normal things about her are her clothes, a black hoodie and bag and a pair of wide black jeans, all borrowed from the demon himself.

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